January 30, 2021

Covid Update - Free the Vaccine

Almost 90,000 people are dying every month which is why we should accelerate vaccination (lower dose, postpose 2nd shot, postpone shots to those with + antibody tests, approve Astra Zeneca and JNJ.)   The US has turned another corner  and Illinois continues to trend down.  

US trend is across all states.

US is similar to major EU countries 

The vaccinations are coming but we still have a long way to go.  The US is one of the top 2 countries when compared to the major EU countries and Canada.

January 29, 2021

What I Believe


What I believe  

  1. Use open competitive transparent markets to allocate limited resources to meet unlimited demands, minimize politicians and government role
  2. Use market forces to allow families to control their education, not politicians and teacher unions 
  3. Recognize the responsibility/accountability of the individual and stop the systemic racism false narrative
  4. Guarantee equal opportunity not outcome
  5. A social welfare system that incents working designed for unlucky people recognizing lazy people exist 
  6. Fix the greatly distorted market for health care, do not put it into the hand of politicians
  7. Simpler taxes, minimal regulations and mandates on individuals and businesses
  8. Supreme Court that will interpret the laws as written, not invent laws that are not written
  9. Congress writing specific laws and not delegating legislation to the administrative state
  10. Right to freedom of speech and religious beliefs without harassment, cancellation
  11. Work to minimize excess police force but recognize need to respect law enforcement 
  12. Right to own a semi-automatic gun with 30 rounds to defend myself, others and property
  13. Control our own borders, increase immigration with mix of targeting and open
  14. Fund research to reduce the costs of alternative energy and impose minimal economics costs (taxes) on CO2 today proportional to the future risk, do not Impose extreme economic costs (regulation) on CO2 today in extreme excess of future risk 
  15. Honor our founding and our history while learning from our past, stop rewriting history to distort the uniqueness and exceptionalism of our country
  16. Foster capitalism and Democracy worldwide
  17. Fair free trade

January 28, 2021

Why I am (we are) Angry

Why I am (we are?) Angry

(liberally plagiarized from Victor Davis Hanson - https://amgreatness.com/2021/01/24/the-river-of-forgetfulness/)

A handful of idiots, out of tens of thousands of Trump supporters, out of 74 million Trump voters, rioted and broke into the Capitol on January 6. (Note they were universally condemned by Republicans and conservatives who support prosecuting these idiots to the full extent of the law.) Does this bother me? Yes. But, what bothers me more and makes me angry is what I see in reaction to this and what I have seen in recent years:

1. These actions have allowed the Democrats and the Mainstream Media to label all Trump voters and conservatives as racists, Nazi’s, white supremacists, abettors, terrorists, seditionists, and traitors and call for the silencing, deprogramming and re-educating of half the country;

2. The Democrats were silent over this past summer when downtowns were ravaged, stores were looted, arson was customary, more than 700 police were injured and spat upon.

3. Democrats and the Mainstream media labeled these riots as “mostly peaceful” protests while causing billions of dollars in damage, leaving thousands of business owners bankrupt, and at least three-dozen people dead;

4. Democrats saw far more election-year political advantage in defending the violence than in suppressing it, and so made the necessary adjustments, at least until Election Day;

5. Democratic mayors of the targeted cities like Portland, Seattle, Chicago, and Minneapolis contextualized and supported the mayhem (“block party” and “summer of love”). They cared little for the thousands of lives that were wrecked by the destruction;

6. Joe Biden excused Antifa as a mere “idea” (a presidential ante facto impeachable offense?)—largely because millions of his supporters condoned or explained away the violence, and they said so publicly;

7. The New York Times architect of the “1619 Project,” Nikole Hannah-Jones boasted at the height of the unrest, “Destroying property, which can be replaced, is not violence;”

8. Kamala Harris recklessly warned America that the protests, which were increasingly turning more violent, would and should continue;

9. Kamala Harris helped to bail out arrested street activists instead of raising funds for injured police;

10. It was not sedition, insurrection, and treason to try to torch a federal courthouse or incinerate police precincts with all their occupants inside;

11. Slinging around an illegal “assault weapon,” if you were Seattle rapper Raz Simone, was almost cool and neat, even if four people were shot, and two killed in his “autonomous zone;”

12. When the violence spread to the nation’s capital, a church near the White House was torched. Mobs threatened to enter the White House grounds;

13. When the president raised the issue of employing federal troops in extremis, he was declared a near insurrectionary himself;

14. Democrats exempting the violence and rioting that we saw during the 2017 Inauguration when over 200 people were indicted for, and then excused from, felony rioting charges after hundreds of businesses were looted, vandalized, and destroyed;

15. Nobody cared when Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) railed at the doors of the Supreme Court amid a throng of furious pro-abortion protestors, called out the judges in session by name, and threatened and warned them that they were to reap a whirlwind and that they would have no idea of what might soon “hit” them;

16. Nobody complained when Obama told his supporters “I want you to argue with them and get in their face;”

17. Nobody complained when Maxine Waters told America “Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere. We’ve got to get the children connected to their parents.”

18. For over a year, mobs and rioters have destroyed or defaced thousands of American monuments, and not just those of Confederate generals. We have witnessed attacks on everything from the Lincoln Memorial to statues of Frederick Douglass and Miguel de Cervantes;

19. We see Democratic cities removing the names of Washington and Lincoln from their schools;

20. For four years the American public was subject to the greatest political hoax and scandal in American history. Candidate Hillary Clinton hired a foreign national, disguised by the firewalls of the DNC, Perkins-Coie, and Fusion GPS, to compile dirt on rival candidate Donald Trump. Then her minions used her lifelong government contacts to seed the made-up file by Christopher Steele among the highest echelons of the Obama Administration, the Justice Department, FBI, and CIA—with absolute impunity;

21. We are asked to forget that the FBI deliberately doctored court evidence to greenlight unlawful surveillance, and lost or destroyed evidence and even the phone records of rogue FBI agents;

22. We are asked to forget that it is illegal for a foreign national like Christopher Steele to work for an American presidential candidate, much less to use his work to seek the destruction of a president-elect’s transition and presidency;

23. For four years I saw half of the country say “Not my President;”

24. I saw four years of open active “resistance” with not a whiff of insurrection or sedition claims;

25. I saw Hollywood for four years, in word and video, boasting and encouraging of beating the president up, of burning him alive, of decapitating him, of blowing him up, of shooting him, of torturing his children, of stabbing him;

26. I saw for four years members of Congress and democratic grandees—including former president Jimmy Carter—described Trump as an illegitimately elected president. We are to forget that Hillary Clinton said repeatedly that she was robbed of her actual “victory,” and advised Joe Biden “never” to concede if he lost;

27. I saw the Left sue to nullify the 2016 election on grounds that voting machines were fraudulent. Hollywood stars ran commercials urging the electors to become insurrectionaries and to undermine their constitutional mandates;

28. For years Stacey Abrams was feted by elected officials as the “real” governor of Georgia, as she insisted that she had been “cheated” out of her real victory;

29. I saw Democrats who once warned that massive mail-in and early-voting might be subject to fraud sue and harangue to undermine the existing voting protocols passed by state legislatures, so that 100 million votes might be cast before Election Day, and 100 of thousands of votes were counted that were not cast according to their state legislature’s laws;

30. I saw the Democrats and Mainstream media completely hide and sensor important documented evidence of serious questions related to Biden and his son right before an elections; and,

Perhaps most important to me, I have seen Democrats and Mainstream media lie and propagate the false narrative that the primary cause of the disparities between blacks and whites is due to systemic racism when it is clear that the issue is closer to home (police shoot blacks disproportionately lower than whites when you include the rate of murder and violent crime, black immigrants have the same incarceration rate as whites across all incomes and education, blacks have a dramatically higher level of fatherless homes.) This false narrative is tearing this country apart and is hurting blacks. (https://glennloury.substack.com/p/the-developmental-imperative)

Free the Vaccine

From Marginal Revolution

 By the way, the US failure to authorize the AstraZeneca vaccine in the midst of a pandemic when thousands are dying daily and a factory in Baltimore is warmed up and ready to run is a tragedy and dereliction of duty of epic proportions. The AZ vaccine should be given an EUA immediately and made available in pharmacies for anyone who wants it ”


January 26, 2021

Raising the minimum wage hurts

 Minimum wage hurts!

Key Concludions:  (i) there is a clear preponderance of negative estimates in the literature; (ii) this evidence is stronger for teens and young adults as well as the less-educated; (iii) the evidence from studies of directly-affected workers points even more strongly to negative employment effects; and (iv) the evidence from studies of low-wage industries is less one-sided.

January 23, 2021

US Vaccinations

 How is the US doing with vaccinations?

We are behind the United Kingdom, who quickly postponed the second dose to vaccinate more people, but leading the major EU countries and Canada.

Biden's vaccination plan is way worse, will kill 100,000's and is based on a big lie.


Say it Ain’t so Joe!

 Biden’s Covid Plan will kill 100’s of thousands, is based on a lie, and everyone needs to understand.

Operation Warp Speed developed a vaccine in unprecedented  time, faster than any of the so-called experts claimed was possible.  The US contracted to buy 200 million doses, enough for 100 million people from Pfizer and the same numbers from Moderna.  The US contracted to buy 300 million doses from Johnson and Johnson, enough for 300 million people, and it is widely expected that these will have approval in several weeks.  This secured vaccinations for 500 million people.

Operation Warp Speed essentially was designed to increases vaccinations per day by 26,298 vaccinations per day and reach 894,132 by January 20 and theoretically deliver the total of 500 million by June 30, 2021.

The doses started to be delivered in late December and despite the widely varying ability of different states to coordinate their delivery, the vaccinations per day has been increasing by an average of 33,365 vaccinations per day and surpassed 1,000,000 vaccinations per day by January 20.

Biden has targeted 100 million vaccinations in 100 days or 1 million per day and claims this is a great improved meant for the mess he inherited.

Biden is claiming that he is increasing the vaccinations from 500,000 per day to 1,000,000 per day and that we should all be impressed. 

The big lie is that he is comparing his 1 million per day goal to the average per day from December 18, 2020 to January 20, 20221 of 558,668.  This is intellectually dishonest and dangerous.  There is no way we should be satisfied with this number.  In fact, Biden’s goal will actually be significantly lower than Operation Warp speed is designed to deliver and is on trajectory to meet. 

I am not sure why Biden has positioned this in the way he has or why the main stream media and Democrats are acting like this Biden Plan is an amazing improvement over what is already happening but I for one think his plan is horrible and we MUST do better.

Killing keystone pipeline kills jobs and does nothing to reduce carbon emissions

Say it ain’t so Joe. 

Day 1

10,000+ jobs destroyed, with no benefit to the climate.

Key­stone’s ben­e­fits - 10’s of thousands Amer­i­can jobs; steel pipe made in the USA, $10 mil­lion Green Job Train­ing Fund; $500 mil­lion for in­dige­nous sup­pli­ers and jobs; and 100% re­new­able power to op­er­ate the pipe­line.

Cancel Keystone - reduction of CO2 emissions in the world- 0, nada, zip

! The oil  will be recovered shipped by rail and used by the world. 

January 20, 2021

Free the Vaccine!

 We have a very limited window in the United States to make a big push on vaccines and we are failing. We are failing phenomenally badly.


January 19, 2021

January 16, 2021

It's Too Late (or will be) for the Democrats to Get What They've Always Wanted to get Through the Legislature - Punish Trump

Put simply, once a President is not longer in office there is no Constitutional language supporting the legislative branch punishing Trump


"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be REMOVED from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. "

ARTICLE I Language

"Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, AND disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States..."

"No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed."

Since the President will no longer be in office he is simply a private citizen and removal is no longer possible and the Constitution precludes the legislator from Bill of Attainder (Legislative trials punishing citizens.)

The false narrative that racism is the primary cause of disparity has to stop

 Excerpt from Woodson’s WSJ piece - “...left­ist elites teach their own chil­dren the val­ues of work­ing and study­ing hard even as they en­cour­age be­hav­ior among blacks that will make sure they re­main un­com­pet­i­tive but “au­then­tic.” By the time young blacks to­day dis­cover, as did the slaves of Dou­glass’s time, that free­dom un­der­stood as “do what­ever you feel like” is no way to build a worth­while life, it will be too late. The fruits of the civil-rights move­ment’s hard la­bor—teach­ing the young to be so self-dis­ci­plined that they were able to re­sist re­spond­ing in kind to ha­tred and abuse from whites—will have been lost.”
