August 31, 2022

Why no BLM riots?

Early this week an unarmed black man was shot by a white policeman in Columbus Ohio. Anyone else wonder why there are no BLM protests or riots? It couldn’t be because the Democrats use these instances to their political advantage.  Under Trump they loved to incite anger and emotions regarding police and blacks. Now they pretend all is well.

August 26, 2022

CA will be even more expensive

The average amount of power used by gasoline cars in CA today is ~74,000 MW per hour. 

The current electrical generating capacity in CA is ~80,000 MW. 

California plans to ban gasoline powered cars.

I guess that means they think they will switch to electric vehicles powered by wind and solar. If the build fossil fuel plants there is really no benefit to global warming. And it seems impossible that they would go nuclear. 

If this is the case there will be a dramatic cost to do this including:

1. The cost of doubling their power generating capacity. 

2. The cost of energy storage. The sun doesn’t shine at night and the wind often dies at night, when cars will need to recharged. 

3. The cost of having to install all of the infrastructure to transport additional electricity. 

4. The cost to build all of the charging stations. 

5. The additional cost electric vehicles versus gasoline vehicles.

6. The external costs associated with manufacturing and disposing  of batteries. 

How smart is this?

August 24, 2022


For all of those that put off going to college until they could  pay for it, those that saved and then paid for college,  those that borrowed and then paid their loans and those that did not go to college because they could not afford it, Biden says: “SUCKERS.”  

Biden’s student loan cancellation will cost all of us taxpayers $500 billion to $1 trillion and the benefit will primarily go to people with good paying jobs. 

And of course this will also hurt inflation. 

And increase the cost of college as more more people learn they can borrow money for free. 

And one of its largest cost are hidden. It’s the new way the commit limits what students have to pay.

And last but not least, help increase the money flowing to the woke university professors and administrators destroying our country. 

August 15, 2022

BLM-what about this life?

Where’s the outrage? Where’s BLM? Where’s Lebron?

Another week and more lives lost. Until the Democrats stop propagating the false narrative nothing will change.

Black lives matter - I support the words but cannot support the organization because it propagates the false narrative that systemic racism is the primary cause of the disparities(murders, incarceration, teen mothers, fatherless households, income, wealth, etc.) between blacks and whites.

Racism exists (though not widespread), it’s bad, and we should continue to work to reduce it. Excess police force exists (though rare), it's  bad and we should continue to work to reduce it.

BLM organization’s positions and policies do not address the problems (murders, fatherless households, teen pregnancy, lack of agency) and do not address the key root causes (it’s not excessive police force or systemic racism.)


August 11, 2022

Biden raises insurance premiums

Biden raises insurance premiums   

Obama made a bad healthcare system bigger. He distorted the market for insurance (risk pools) resulting in much higher premiums.

Now, Biden succeeds in making it even worse. The Inflation “Reduction” Act will increase the demand for insurance BUT decrease the supply. Prices will increase.

August 7, 2022

We have time

Climate change is not an existential threat. There is plenty of time for adaptation and innovation. We do not need to stifle the economy today. We should be funding research to lower the cost of alternatives and developing nuclear. 

People still not working

 Yes jobs are being added.  BUT people are still not working.  This is a problem.

August 4, 2022

Biden pays off unions

Biden’s union payoff 

The inflation reduction act doesn’t reduce inflation, it actually raises taxes on everyone. And now we learn it’s also a payoff to unions. Why Biden wants to distort market forces and use our precious tax dollars so inefficiently is obvious: he’s paying off unions. 


The new base tax credit for so­lar and wind pro­duc­tion would be $5.2 per (MWh). 

In­vestors in projects that use union labor would be able to claim $26 MWh 

Investors using 100% steel made in the U.S get $28.6 

C Sequestration 

The base tax credit for car­bon se­ques­tra­tion is $17 per ton 

For projects using union la­bor it is $85 per ton.

Nuclear Power

The base tax credit for nuclear power is $3 per MWh. 

It is $15 per MWh if union labor.