February 9, 2021

$15 minimum wage will hurt blacks and America

Say it ain’t so Joe! - 

Black lives really don’t matter to Democrats as they try to implement systemic racist policies. 

Democrats’ minimum wage will kill 1.4 million jobs

Con­gres­sional Bud­get Of­fice’s evaluation of a $15 fed­eral min­i­mum wage:

- loss of 1.4 mil­lion jobs

- dis­pro­portion­ately impacting younger and less ed­u­cated

- prices would also rise for goods and ser­vices that rely on en­try-level la­bor, “such as food pre­pared in restau­rants.” 

- The fed­eral bud­get deficit through 2031 would in­crease $54 bil­lion as the gov­ern­ment spends more on un­em­ploy­ment ben­e­fits and health-care pro­grams

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