September 15, 2022
September 14, 2022
Biden/Real Income? Nope
Admittedly some distortion due to pandemic but given Biden's continued use of arbitrary baselines when making comparisons I couldn't help but show the raw data. With inflation raging and economy slowing we are seeing a decline in real incomes, both total and disposable.
Why don’t these black life’s matter?
Black lives matter - I support the words but cannot support the organization because it propagates the false narrative that systemic racism is the primary cause of the disparities(murders, incarceration, teen mothers, fatherless households, income, wealth, etc.) between blacks and whites.
Racism exists (though not widespread), it’s bad, and we should continue to work to reduce it. Excess police force exists (though rare), it's bad and we should continue to work to reduce it.
BLM organization’s positions and policies do not address the problems (murders, fatherless households, teen pregnancy, lack of agency) and do not address the key root causes (it’s not excessive police force or systemic racism.)
September 9, 2022
Critical Race Theory?
Uju Anya Carnegie Melon Associate Professor of Second Language Acquisition and Critical Race Theory
Jonathan Perkins UCLA Director Race and Equity
llinois SAFE-T Act ends cash bail and includes 12 non-detainable offenses, second-degree murder, aggravated battery, and arson without bail, as well as drug-induced homicide, kidnapping, burglary, robbery, intimidation, aggravated DUI, aggravated fleeing and eluding, drug offenses and threatening a public official.
After Jan. 1, individuals charged with the above crimes will be free to roam the streets without bail.
September 8, 2022
Who is threat to Democracy
September 7, 2022
College Free Speech
COVID - How did we do? Not so good.
COVID - How did we do? Not so good.
There are many factors that might be considered when evaluating how we handled COVID including, but not limited to, mortality, loss of learning and economic disruption.
We have recently learned that the closing of in person schooling has had a horrible effect on children in the US with this effect worse for children with lower socioeconomic support.
We saw the devastating effects of "two weeks to stop the spread" that lasted months on small businesses and jobs.
With respect to mortality, I decided to look at performance of the US and the EU with respect to Sweden. Why Sweden? It is a developed country that minimized the disruption to business and education. Schools were open. Masks weren't mandated. Businesses were not closed.
What we see is that as of January 21, 2022 the US was close but still had 18.1% more deaths than Sweden which was close but slightly higher, 5.8%, than the EU.
What is interesting is to see how things have been since January 21, 2022. If we look at the relative change in performance of the US and EU with respect to Sweden we see that during this period the US was 63.6% worse than Sweden and the EU was 33.5% worse. Note this is not an effect of the time after the date because we are looking at the change in cumulative deaths relative to Sweden.
My conclusion is that the US slightly under performed before January 21, 2022 and significantly underperformed after that period.
What is particularly sad and disappointing is that the Administrative state of the FDA and CDC, the main stream media and social media all worked together supported by Democrats that relished in the disruption to business, education and society, to prevent any discussion of an alternative approach that may have been much closer to Sweden's than the one followed by the US. Most obvious and significant was The Great Barrington Declaration in October 2020, a document now signed by almost 16,000 medical and public health scientists and 47,000 medical practitioners whose key point was: "As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection." See
This effort was opposed by the FDA and CDC and squashed by the main stream media, social media and Democrat leaders.
September 5, 2022
I’m a threat to Democracy?
What I believe
- Use open competitive transparent markets to allocate limited resources to meet unlimited demands, minimizing politicial influence and crony capitalism
- Use market forces to allow families to control their education, not politicians and teacher unions
- Recognize the responsibility/accountability of the individual and stop the systemic racism false narrative
- Guarantee equal opportunity not outcome
- A social welfare system that incents working designed for unlucky people recognizing lazy people exist
- Fix the greatly distorted market for health care, do not put it into the hand of politicians
- Simpler taxes, minimal regulations and mandates on individuals and businesses
- Supreme Court that will interpret the laws as written, not invent laws that are not written
- Congress writing specific laws and not delegating legislation to the administrative state
- Right to freedom of speech and religious beliefs without harassment, cancellation
- Work to minimize excess police force but recognize need to respect law enforcement
- Right to own a semi-automatic gun with 30 rounds to defend myself, others and property
- Control our own borders, increase immigration with mix of targeting and open
- Fund research to reduce the costs of alternative energy and impose minimal economics costs (taxes) on CO2 today proportional to the future risk, do not Impose extreme economic costs (regulation) on CO2 today in extreme excess of future risk
- Honor our founding and our history while learning from our past, stop rewriting history to distort the uniqueness and exceptionalism of our country
- Foster capitalism and Democracy worldwide
- Fair free trade
September 4, 2022
Actually- Biden increasing insulin cost.
September 2, 2022
I'm a racist?
Just a picture of me and all of the other "racists" that understand that racism exists (though not widespread), it’s bad, and we should continue to work to reduce it BUT it is not the primary cause of the disparities (murders, incarceration, teen mothers, fatherless households, income, wealth, etc.) between blacks and whites.
August 31, 2022
Why no BLM riots?
Early this week an unarmed black man was shot by a white policeman in Columbus Ohio. Anyone else wonder why there are no BLM protests or riots? It couldn’t be because the Democrats use these instances to their political advantage. Under Trump they loved to incite anger and emotions regarding police and blacks. Now they pretend all is well.
August 26, 2022
CA will be even more expensive
The average amount of power used by gasoline cars in CA today is ~74,000 MW per hour.
August 24, 2022
For all of those that put off going to college until they could pay for it, those that saved and then paid for college, those that borrowed and then paid their loans and those that did not go to college because they could not afford it, Biden says: “SUCKERS.”
August 23, 2022
US President Joe Biden told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the US will not aid any Israeli counterattack on Iran , US media report,...
It’s funny that Biden can flout SCOTUS and find 100’s of billions to BRIBE voters but can’t find a few billion to help Ukraine. Pusillanimou...
The Founders had three criteria for new immigrants: their qualifications; their assimilation; and their allegiance. Today, I have no clue w...
Biden Border BS The large majority of illegal immigrants are unjustifiably claiming asylum. The Biden administration ignores current law a...