Showing posts with label Justice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Justice. Show all posts

April 5, 2023

Politicization of Justice is WRONG

Trump is intellectually lazy, lacks gravitas, is coarse, petty, insecure and inarticulate.  I don’t like him and I REALLY hope he is not the next Republican candidate. 

But he should still be treated fair. Regarding the NY State District Attorney you should ask 2 important questions. 

1st-whom was defrauded by the classification as legal fees? 

2nd-what was the intended crime of the classification of payments as legal fees? 

Campaign finance is federal and has a “but for” requirement

Keeping negative information from public is not a crime.

How does 1=34?

1 payment from Cohen to Stormy Daniels

11 fal­si­fied in­voices (falsified by Cohen)
12 fal­si­fied gen­eral ledger en­tries (entered by whom?)
11 checks falsely record­ed (recorded by whom?)


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