In the late 70's my sister-in-law to be had one of her art students draw a characterization of me. What did I do when I saw it. With only a picture and my last name to go on he drew a cute picture of me as a tomato picker. Was I triggered? Was I hurt? Did I look for a safe space? Did I think badly about his stereotype of someone with my last name? Nope. I laughed, understanding how uninformed this young student was, and continued my studies to be a chemical engineer (and by the way I never considered trying to get a Professor fired for being too difficult) and have always happily and proudly displayed it.
Last week the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, commented on why the US needs more immigrants: "to pick our crops."
Maybe things really haven't changed (at least for the uninformed.)
And then...OMG. Notice what Google search results I received when looking for a screen shot of Pelosi. Goggle is trying to soften/deflect any negative effect on a leading Democrat.