January 17, 2023

Reparations Wrong!

The fact that any group of people could come up with this proposal is evidence of how messed up we are becoming.

San Francisco African American Reparations Advisory Committee recommendations(1):

Pay eligible black residents age 18 years and older $5 million apiece

$97,000 annual income for low-income blacks for the 
next 250 years

Comprehensive debt forgiveness program that clears all educational, personal, credit card, payday loans

From some perspectives there have been a form of reparations for almost 60 years with affirmative action - where all things being equal blacks were given advantage over whites. It is estimated that affirmative action has cost the US over 12 trillion (2)  dollars over this time. While how much of that was gained by whom is ambiguous, what is clear is that most Americans are not descendants of slaveholders nor did they gain an advantage from slaves and it is impossible to blame the disparities between blacks and whites today on slavery more than 100 years ago and systemic racism today. 

January 16, 2023

Autocracy vs Democracy

Democracy – the Executive branch, negotiating with the House and the Senate to increase the debt limit. 

Autocracy – the President demanding to get what he wants.

Democrats Support THEIR Protests

Democrats Support THEIR Protests

There seems to be a significant difference between how Republicans and Democrats compare the BLM riots during summer of 2020 and the Capital riots in 2021. 

January 15, 2023

Dems Living in Lala Land

Almost half of Democrats, as of December 14, 2022, still believed that the Hunter Biden emails are fake.

Intellectually lazy, willfully ignorant or  intellectually dishonest?

January 14, 2023

You ARE either Male(w testes) or Female(w ovary)


Humans have sexual reproduction organs called gonads. Females have ovaries.  Males have testes

The developmental biology of humans defaults to producing a female. If there is a functioning SRY gene present and with normal functioning developmental biology a male will be produced. 

The SRY gene is normally on the Y chromosome. 

EXCEPTION In extremely rare (1:100,000) instances of birth defects or developmental disease affecting genes and normal development there can be an individual born with ambiguous or malformed genitalia and/or who is unable to develop into a fully formed adult. The result can be an individual without a functioning gonad, with impaired functioning of one type of gonad, with one gonad if one type and a not fully developed gonad of the second type. There has never been an individual with both a functioning ovary and functioning testes. 

Adults should be free to claim to be whatever sex they want to be: male, female, trans-male, trans-female, binary, fluid, etc,. But there are issues with letting everyone act however they want including but not limited to; trans females competing with females in sports; trans females with male genitalia exposing themselves to females.  There can also be issues with gender conversion treatments and procedures for children because, for the most, part these are irreversible and result in sterility and lack of sexual satisfaction. Gender conversion of children should be limited to rare instances where due to genetic and/or hormonal aberrations it is clear that such treatment is warranted.

And last, people should be free to have loving and sexual relationships with whichever consenting adults they choose. 

Biological Sex

Females are humans with ovaries and males are humans with testes.

Most babies are born with a clear biological sex. Babies are made when a sperm from the testes carrying either an x or a y chromosome, fuses with an egg from an ovary carrying an x chromosome, to create a zygote. The result 99.78% (1) of the time is a zygote with xx chromosomes or xy chromosomes.

The zygote then further divides to form the embryo which continues to develop and differentiate into various structures, tissue types and organs. One of these organs is the bipotential gonad that will ultimately develop into an ovary or a testes depending on multiple complex factors and signals that affect its development.  The key factors in this development is the SRY gene which is normally only on the y chromosome.

The xy embryo, with the SRY gene and normal genetic and hormonal functioning, will develop into a newborn male with testes.  With normal genetic and hormonal functioning, as the male matures and reaches puberty, increased testosterone production will further develop the male with the typical male characteristics. 

The xx zygote, without SRY and with normal genetic and hormonal functioning, will develop into a newborn female with ovaries.  With normal genetic and hormonal functioning, as the female matures and reaches puberty, increased estrogen production will further develop the female with the typical female characteristics. 

With inherent normal differences in genetic and hormonal functioning there is a natural variability of sexual characteristics with each sex.  There can be very masculine males and less masculine males and the same variability within females.

In rare cases, 1.7% (1), there are conditions called Differences in Sex Development (DSD) involving genes, hormones, ovaries, testes, reproductive organs, and genitals, affecting newborn development or the further development of the adult. These still result in a male or female with either ovaries or testes, however, depending on the severity of the condition, the appearance, genitals, reproductive organs, or ovary or testes function can differ significantly from typical.

And in extremely rare instances, 1:100000 (2), there have been individuals with both testicular and ovarian tissues, ovotestes, that may be able to make sperm or eggs, but not both, and whose genitals, reproductive organs and physical traits can be ambiguous.

 Sexual Identity

There is a great deal of discussion regarding sexual identity or gender. Recent research indicates that 1.6% of adults consider themselves transgender, a different sex than assigned at birth, or nonbinary, their sex can be either or both and vary (3).


Sexual Orientation (4)


(1)    https://ihra.org.au/16601/intersex-numbers Intersex Human Rights Australia Ltd

(2)    Ceci M, Calleja E, Said E, Gatt N. A case of true hermaphroditism presenting as a testicular tumour. Case Rep Urol. 2015

(3)    Pew Research Center December 2022

(4)    https://news.gallup.com/poll/389792/lgbt-identification-ticks-up.aspxBiological Sex

Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala knows gender medicine. She is the top expert on pediatric gender medicine in Finland and the chief psychiatrist at one of its two government-approved pediatric gender clinics, at Tampere University in Helsinki, where she has presided over youth gender transition treatments since 2011.

Kaltiala thus concurs with NHS England, which recently noted that social transition—using a child’s preferred name and pronouns—is “not a neutral act” but rather one that can solidify what is otherwise likely to be a passing phase into a more permanent state of mind, or “identity,” and put the minor on a path to drugs and surgeries. The NHS now warns of the risks of social transition in children and recommends it only for adolescents who have been diagnosed with gender dysphoria and have provided informed consent.

The Finnish Paediatric Society, the counterpart to the American Academy of Pediatrics, has come out against governmental support for gender self-identification in minors in a statement to the Finnish parliament. Likewise, the Finnish Medical Association wrote that “the decision to limit legal gender recognition to adults is a good one.” These statements run directly counter to the American Academy of Pediatrics





January 11, 2023

Poland Leads. Biden not so much

At least Poland is not afraid of provoking Putin. 

I have long felt that the US and the rest of the West should have provided more military support sooner, first to deter, than to defeat Putin.

But since the beginning, Biden has been afraid of provoking Putin and his dithering is allowing the destruction of Ukraine. 


Commander Incompetent


On December 16 at Delaware Veterans Summit and PACT Townhall in New Castle Delaware Biden says that when he was VP his father requested and, based on the request, he got his Uncle Frank a Purple Heart and then presented it to his Uncle (1).


Biden became VP 2009..
His father died in 2002.
His uncle died in 1999. 
No record his Uncle awarded Purple Heart. 


You know, I — my dad, when I got elected Vice President, he said, “Joey, Uncle Frank fought in the Battle of the Bulge.”   He was not feeling very well now — not because of the Battle of the Bulge.  But he said, “And he won the Purple Heart.  And he never received it.  He never — he never got it.  Do you think you could help him get it?  We’ll surprise him.”

So we got him the Purple Heart.  He had won it in the Battle of the Bulge.  And I remember he came over to the house, and I came out, and he said, “Present it to him, okay?”  We had the family there.

 I said, “Uncle Frank, you won this.  And I want to…”  He said, “I don’t want the damn thing.”  

(1) https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2022/12/16/remarks-by-president-biden-at-a-delaware-veterans-summit-and-pact-act-town-hall-new-castle-de/

(2) https://www.verifythis.com/amp/article/news/verify/joe-biden/joe-biden-awarded-uncle-frank-purple-heart-during-vice-presidency-story-fact-check/536-f9d78fe0-38a8-4756-8037-2da8b8ef24f6

January 6, 2023

Holdouts Saner than you think

Actually, the Republican holdouts aren’t as crazy as you might think. The below article has a great review of what is being asked for. Below are the highlights. It’s hard to argue with most of these, and number 12 is an outstanding idea.

Under the proposed new rules package:
1. Committees are back in charge of legislation, with rules designed to ensure that bills address single subjects—rather than catch-all legislation. 
2. Members can challenge amendments that aren’t related to the topic at hand. 
3. It revives “Calendar Wednesday,” whereby any committee chairman can bring a bill straight to the floor.
4. Ends proxy voting, 
5. Ends virtual committee meetings.
6. Requires a 72-hour rule to give members time to read legislation. 
7. Requires any mandatory spending increases be offset with equal or greater mandatory spending cuts. 
8. A three-fifths supermajority vote will be required for tax increases. 
9. Allowing appropriations bills to defund the salaries of specific executive-branch officials or specific programs.
10. Hold a vote on a proposal to secure the border put forward by Texas Republicans, 
11. Vote to place congressional term limits, 
12. A tax bill that would replace income, payroll and other taxes with a consumption tax.
13.  Any "earmark," or funding projects specific to a members' district that get tacked onto legislation, to be approved with a two-thirds vote 
14. Anytime an amendment to cut spending is proposed it be brought to the floor.

Dems Conveniently Forget


Thursday, January 6, 2022

Which insurrection concerns you more?

Two movements

One was the BLM protests.  Other was the Trump Protest.  Which one looks more like an insurrection?

There were over 1000 BLM riots in hundreds of cities, with repeated riots in multiple cities, causing billions of dollars of damage resulting in over 50 deaths. These riots were fomented by Democrat false narratives and encourages by Democrats to politically hurt President Trump. Some, i.e. Kamala Harris, even bailed out violent protester. 

Over 70 million people voted for Trump. Tens of thousands of supporters went to Washington to support him on January 6. Thousands march to the capital. Hundreds broke into the capital. Tens had evil intent. This was wrong. It is condemned by all.   It wasn’t a significant threat to our Democracy. It wasn’t an armed insurrection.  The protesters did not kill anybody. 

[UPDATE  August 20, 2021 - FBI concludes The events of January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol were not "the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, no evidence that President Trump or people directly around him were involved in organizing the violence]





January 5, 2023

Afraid to escalate?

Russia is using all of its conventional forces to destroy Ukraine. Ukraine is fighting for their lives, trying to repel an invading force. How in gods name is providing Ukraine their needed weapons, escalating the war.

Russia has invaded Ukraine with its entire military force, save its nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. It has used tanks, infantry, artillery, missiles, bombers, fighter jets, and attack helicopters to kill soldiers and civilians,  attacking hospitals, power generation facilities, water treatment facilities and other civilian infrastructure. They are destroying Ukraine. 

Despite Ukraine’s heroic efforts, Ukraine is not capable of forcing Russian out of Ukraine with significantly more military aide. They continue to ask for tanks, jets, more anti air weapons and longer range artillery.  However, due to Biden’s concern of “escalating” the war, Biden has continued to constrain military aide to Ukraine, only slowly increasing the quantity and capabilities, asking Ukraine to fight with essentially one arm tied behind their back. 

We need to help Ukraine kick Russia out of Ukraine.

January 2, 2023

Looming Fiscal Disaster

While the conclusion is that a combination of dramatic tax increases and/or dramatic spending cuts are absolutely going to happen, there is a third factor that is also almost certain: Inflation which reduces the relative value of the debt and means higher interest rates. 

An analysis from economists at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School found that American fiscal policy is in "permanent imbalance as current debt plus projected future spending outstrips future tax revenue," demanding a substantial decrease in expenditures or a substantial rise in revenues.

The economists forecasted that the fiscal imbalance would equal 7% of the present value of all future gross domestic product over the next 75 years. Restoring order to the federal budget would require across-the-board cuts to programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, across-the-board increases to payroll taxes, individual taxes, and business taxes, or some combination of tax hikes and spending cuts.


January 1, 2023

Biden’s 2023 Tax Increases

Biden’s 2023 tax increases, over $300 Billion, will affect all of us including all of those he promised (lied) that he wouldn’t tax:

$6.5 Billion Natural Gas Tax Which Will Increase Household Energy Bills 

$12 Billion Crude Oil Tax Which Will Increase Household Costs

$1.2 Billion Coal Tax Which Will Increase Household Energy Bills

$74 Billion Stock Tax Which Will Hit Your 401(k)s, IRAs and Pension Plans

$225 Billion Corporate Income Tax Hike Which Will Be Passed on to Households (higher prices, fewer jobs and lower wages)

December 29, 2022

US Delay and Dithering Destroying Ukraine

While Biden is busy patting himself on the back for his efforts related to Ukraine I think it is important to remind everyone about the situation. 

In 2014, Russia invaded the Ukraine and Obama and Biden did little.

Trump stopped Nord Stream 2, dramatically increased financial sanctions on Russia and began supplying anti-tank weapons to the Ukraine in December 2017.  

In 2021 as Russia threatened and began massing troops on Ukraine's border, Biden immediately told Putin that he wouldn't use US military force to stop Putin. In late 2021 Biden actually stopped providing anti-tank weapons to Ukraine to avoid "provoking" Putin. In February, right before the current invasion Biden tried to persuade Zelensky to leave Ukraine.  Zelensky's reply: "I don't need a ride I need bullets."

Biden has continued to limit and slow walk the military support for Ukraine (see chart below) only increasing the capabilities of the support as Ukraine nears total catastrophe.  Despite the heroic efforts of the Ukrainians they still need significantly more military support capabilities.

They need tanks, longer range artillery, jets and more anti-air weapons.  

How much more devastation and how much longer does Biden expect the Ukrainians to continue to fight with one hand tied behind their back.

The US goal should be to provide significant more support to help Ukraine regain its territory, its freedom and its security.

FDA continues to fail

Rapid antigen tests like we all have been using for Covid could have been available much sooner and could be available for many other things. It’s amazing how risk-averse the FDA is and how much harm the delay causes. 

These tests are widely available in Europebut have not been approved by the FDA. 

December 28, 2022

What Border?

Biden’s border policies continue to be a mess, put many innocents at risk AND allow Mexican cartels to get rich.

I support immigration. A lot of immigration. But legal immigration, with a mix of merit based  (engineers, scientists, entrepreneurs, doctors, mathematicians, etc.) and opportunity-based (people who want to work hard, adopt American values, and get ahead). 

(Note-The numbers are the apprehensions. We do not know how many people get through without being apprehended) 

December 27, 2022

xy ≠ xx

Dr. Rachel Levine, the Biden administration’s trans-woman assistant health secretary
 called for health workers to pressure tech companies to combat misinformation about “the health equity of sexual and gender minorities.”

While on the surface it sounds fine to protect the health equity of everyone and anyone including the minuscule fraction of babies born with true ambiguous gender (intersex.)

The problem is that the Biden Administration is promoting and encouraging irreversible medical treatment for children (1) while the sane world recognizes that the majority of children need mental health care (2) (3) (4)

xy ≠ xx

Every egg is x. Sperm is y or x. At conception (save exceedingly rare cases), the baby human is xy (male) or xx (female). Nothing changes reality. Embrace the science.

December 26, 2022

FBI-becoming federal bureau of indoctrination

The FBI has transformed itself from one of the most trusted law-enforcement agencies of this country into one that is becoming one of the of the most powerful tools of the Democratic Party. 

No wonder people are losing trust in them

December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas!


Sweden protects kids, Biden- not so much

Sweden gets another thing right. 

Just as Sweden managed COVID better by keeping schools open and avoiding lockdowns they seem to be better at managing children’s mental health issues. 

Unfortunately, this is opposite of Biden’s woke policies that are pressuring health care to quickly promote non-reversible treatments to children with mental health issues regarding their gender. 

And, by the way, I felt the need to include a short lesson on what cis and trans mean, as over the holidays I learned that teachers, at least 2 liberal ones related to me, are actively “learning” and teaching their students woke material that are factually incorrect. For anyone interested: 

What is the difference between cis and trans?

Cisgender, or cis, means that the gender you identify with matches your biological sex while Transgender, or trans, means you the gender you identity with is the opposite of your biological sex.

And for those who claim or believe their is a large number of people who actually have unclear biological sex, the actual data would say that there are only about 0.05% of humans that have a genetic defect, a gene transcription issue or a protein or hormonal biochemical processing issue that they may have unclear genitalia. (1)


US President Joe Biden told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that  the US will not aid any Israeli counterattack on Iran , US media report,...