April 24, 2023

Social Security is Underwhelming

 Social Security Benefits are underwhelming.

Social Security Benefits are determined by calculating your Average Wage by taking the average of your highest 35 years of inflation adjusted earnings (where wages in past years are adjusted by inflation into what those wages would be this year.) 

You are then eligible for benefits as follows:
90% of the 1st $13,380 of Average Wage
32% of next $67,672 of Average Wage
15% of next $79,548 of Average Wage
0% of Average Wage over $160,200

There are minor adjustments to this if you take SS early.


Social Security is Broken

Social Security has a big problem.

Under current law the Social Security Trust Fund will be used up by 2034. This Trust Fund is the excess money the government has taken from workers with the promise of pay them Social Security in the future.

Under current law this means that Social Security Payments have to be reduced by 23% growing to a 35% reduction.

We can raise taxes, cut benefits or some combination of the two.

Not just spies lied

It wasn’t just the spies. Right before the election the NYT, Washington Post and most of the Main Stream Media worked with Biden and his campaign to lie to America to hide the fact that there were emails that were found on Hunter Biden’s laptop that showed that there was likely influence peddling by the Biden family to foreign countries. Biden’s were paid millions. Biden’s knew it. FBI knew it, they had the hard drive for over a year. Washington Post knew it, they had the hard drive, verified 
it’s authenticity and published its contents. 

 Mr. Morell told Con­gress un­der oath that he re­ceived a phone call from Antony Blinken on Oct. 17, 2020—three days af­ter the Post pub­lished emails from Hunter’s lap­top.

“Prior to [Mr. Blinken’s] call, you—you did not have any in­tent to write this state­ment?”  Mr. Morell: “I did not.”

Mr. Morell says he then con­tacted an aide to for­mer CIA di­rec­tor John Bren­nan to say “the Biden cam­paign wanted the state­ment to go to a par­tic­u­lar re­porter at the Wash­ing­ton Post first and that he should send the state­ment to the cam­paign when he sent the let­ter to the re­porter.”

Mr. Morell ac­knowl­edged he had two goals with the state­ment: to “share our con­cern with the Amer­i­can peo­ple,” and to “help Vice Pres­i­dent Biden” “win the elec­tion.”

Joe Biden during Presidential debate regarding Trump’s point that the Hunter Biden Laptop showed potential influence peddling by Hunter Biden, and maybe Joe Biden: “what he’s say­ing is a bunch of garbage!”

Mr. Morell told the com­mit­tee that fol­low­ing the de­bate, Biden cam­paign chair (and now se­nior White House aide) Steve Ric­chetti called to thank him for the state­ment.

State­ment sign­ers like for­mer Obama di­rec­tor of na­tional in­tel­li­gence James Clap­per have since ad­mit­ted they had no ev­i­dence to make their dis­in­for­ma­tion claims.

The press overwhelmingly went along with the false Biden campaign claims because it wanted Mr. Biden to win. These 51 officials have done more to damage the credibility of the CIA and FBI than anything Donald Trump has said. Ditto for the complicit media.

April 21, 2023

Pot meet kettle

FOX News Corporation reach a settlement with Dominion in the defamation case.

Why did they settle.  Maybe they think they lied.  Maybe they didn't want to put their trust in a Delaware, Joe Biden's home state, jury where it would only have taken 7 out of 12 jurors to agree to punish FOX.

Interesting how those exuberantly celebrating act as if there are no other lies.

April 20, 2023

Really hope Chicago not becoming Detroit


It would be Biden’s default

There will be no reason for the US to default on its debt. The US has more than enough money, coming in to pay interest, debt that it is due, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and more. The Constitution requires that Biden pay the US debt. If Biden decides not to pay US debt and there’s a default, it is all on him.

April 19, 2023

Climate Science - Oooops

So rather than adding even more thermal energy to the atmosphere, as previously thought, methane’s solar absorption sets off a cascade of events that 
reduces its overall warming effect by about 30 percent, researchers report March 16 in Nature Geoscience.

Maybe we can keep our gas stoves. 


The Skinny on Organic Farming

New article in Nature shows why Organic farming is not what many think

“Normal” Farming can feed 12 Billion (uses fossil fuel to make fertilizer)

“Organic” Farming can feed 4.7 billion 

April 17, 2023

CRT in Chicago

CRT (Critical Race Theory) espouses that the primary cause of disparities between blacks and whites today is due to the systemic racism that exists today.  CRT is a subset for Critical Theory where all social problems can be blamed on social structures and cultural assumptions (oppressors and oppressed) rather than on individual's actions and behaviors.

CRT ignores agency (one has control and responsibility for ones actions and outcomes)
CRT ignores the importance of a nurturing supportive parents
CRT promotes classifying people by skin color

April 16, 2023

Less Warming?


Gun Control Requires Amending Constitution

There is clear disagreement as to what, if any, changes are needed related to gun control in the US. Without taking a position I thought is would be good to look at some of the key issues/questions related to gun control.


Simplistically, the relevant types of guns being discussed are: assault weapon, AR15, hunting rifle, hand gun, flintlock.  Assault weapons historically referred to the weapons used by soldiers which today would have one key differentiating characteristic: automatic fire.  Automatic fire means that the gun will repeatedly and rapidly shoot, 12+ rounds per second, with just one constant pull of the trigger.  The most common rifle owned today in the USA and one surrounded by controversy is the AR15. AR15s physically resemble assault rifles, fire a similar high velocity bullet BUT have a key difference; semiautomatic fire.  Semiautomatic guns shoot once with each pull of the trigger and can fire as rapidly as one can pull the trigger which might be as much as 3 times per second.  Hunting rifles also fire high velocity bullets and can be semiautomatic or bolt action. Bolt action guns require the shooter to physically handle the bolt to reload the gun and can fire as much as 1 round per second. Hand guns typically fire lower velocity bullets and for the most part are semiautomatic with a small number of revolvers. Revolvers can fire with each pull of the trigger, maybe up to 2 times per second, but due to a different mechanism are not considered semiautomatic. For comparison, flintlocks, the typical guns at the time of the constitution fired a bullet with a bullet velocity similar to a handgun and could fire 1 times per 20 seconds.  , 

It should be noted that it would be extremely difficult to shoot semiautomatic guns accurately on target at the maximum rate and difficult to shoot automatic guns accurately on target.



In 1994, The Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act was passed that banned some semiautomatic weapons, including AR15s, but at the same time did not ban other semiautomatic weapons with the same power and rate of fire as the AR15 such as the Mini14.  This law expired in 2004.  As automatic weapons were already and remain restricted, the name of Assault Weapons Ban often referred to when referencing this law can be confusing.

CHATGPT: List the official studies and reports on the assault weapons ban and summarize the conclusions. 

There have been several official studies and reports on the assault weapons ban in the United States. The following is a summary of some of the major studies and their conclusions:

National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Report (1997): This report analyzed the effectiveness of the 1994 federal assault weapons ban. The report found that the ban had little to no impact on gun crime rates, likely due to the fact that assault weapons were rarely used in crimes to begin with. The report did find some evidence that the ban reduced the lethality of mass shootings.

Congressional Research Service (CRS) Report (2004): This report analyzed the expiration of the 1994 federal assault weapons ban. The report found that it was difficult to determine the impact of the ban on crime rates due to a lack of data. The report did note that assault weapons were used in a small percentage of gun crimes.

National Research Council (NRC) Report (2004): This report analyzed the effectiveness of various gun control measures, including the assault weapons ban. The report found that there was limited evidence to support the effectiveness of the ban, although it did note that it may have reduced the use of some specific types of firearms in crimes.

RAND Corporation Report (2018): This report analyzed the effectiveness of various gun control measures, including the assault weapons ban. The report found that there was limited evidence to support the effectiveness of the ban, although it did note that the ban may have reduced the number of mass shootings and the lethality of such shootings.

Overall, the official studies and reports on the assault weapons ban suggest that while the ban may have had some limited effectiveness in reducing certain types of gun violence, its overall impact on crime rates was difficult to determine and may have been minimal.


2nd Amendment: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

It is clear that at a minimum the Constitution grants people the right to keep and bear arms, e.g. own a gun, in order to be available to participate in a militia.

CHATGPT: What were the justifications for the Constitution allowing a militia.

The justifications for including this provision in the Constitution were varied. One major reason was to ensure that the new nation could defend itself against external threats, as well as protect its citizens from internal threats such as insurrections and uprisings.

Additionally, many of the Founding Fathers believed that a well-regulated militia would serve as a safeguard against tyranny. They feared that a standing army could be used by a powerful central government to oppress the people, and they believed that the militia, composed of ordinary citizens, would be more likely to resist such oppression.

Furthermore, the right to bear arms was seen as an important individual right that could be used for self-defense and hunting, as well as for participation in the militia.

Overall, the inclusion of the militia provision in the Constitution reflected the Founding Fathers' belief in the importance of individual liberty and the need for citizens to be able to defend themselves and their country.


One of the purposes of a Militia, where individuals have the right to keep and bear arms to participate in the militia, was to defend from tyranny of government. As a consequence it is reasonable to accept that the type of arm would include arms comparable to the potential government arms.  This would include AR15's. 

Why not automatic weapons? there are at least two reasons.  First, SCOTUS has ruled that automatic weapons can be restricted balancing the right to bear arms and public safety. second, there is only marginal difference between automatic arms and semi-aromatic arms.

Why not F15's or nuclear bombs? The argument that if the 2nd Amendment allows arms it allows F15s or nuclear bombs is intellectually dishonest for two reasons.  First is the clear language. The 2nd amendment specifically refers to arms and not ordnance. At the time there was essentially arms (guns) and ordnance (cannons.) The Framers did not grant the right to keep and bear ordnance.  Second is the balance between the right and public safety.  The world has seen where armies armed with limited weapons have stood up to or even defeated much stronger armies where having the basic weapon is enough to gain support or time.

Some make an argument that the constitution only allows the guns typical at the time of ratification: i.e. flintlocks. There is no reasonable intellectually honest argument that can justify this position. 


While it seems clear that throughout the world and most of recent history most societies recognize an individuals right to self defense, it is only in the US where this right has developed to include the right to own a gun. However, given that the US is unique in individual's having the right to own a gun for the purposes of participating in a potential militia, the US is unique with widespread ownership of guns and, as a result, it is reasonable that having a gun for self defense is justified. In 2004 SCOTUS made this ruling clear.

CHATGPT: What are the arguments that a US citizen has a right to self defense? 

The right to self-defense is recognized as a fundamental right in the United States, and it is protected by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The Second Amendment states that "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." This has been interpreted to mean that individuals have the right to possess firearms for the purpose of self-defense.

In addition to the Second Amendment, many states have "Stand Your Ground" or "Castle Doctrine" laws that allow individuals to use deadly force to defend themselves if they believe they are in imminent danger of death or serious bodily harm. These laws generally remove the duty to retreat before using deadly force and provide legal protection to individuals who use such force in self-defense.

Moreover, the right to self-defense is considered a natural right that predates any government or constitution. This right is recognized not only in the U.S. but also in international law and is considered a basic human right.

Overall, the argument for the right to self-defense is based on the notion that individuals have the inherent right to protect themselves and their loved ones from harm and that this right should be protected by law.


April 14, 2023

Dump Trump

I have noticed Trump ads starting to tear apart DeSantis, Scott, and Hailey. Aside from the fact that he’s attacking fellow Republicans, he’s greatly distorting their positions on Social Security and Medicare.

Trump is intellectually lazy, lacks gravitas, is coarse, petty, insecure and inarticulate and as a result I really hope we pick someone better. 

April 12, 2023

King Biden unconstitutional EV Executive Order

King Biden is believing and acting as if he can arbitrarily interpret any previous law passed any way he wants without regard to the original intent of the law and without regard to the massive scale of the economic disruption. 

King Biden’s Executive Order to force the switching fron internal combustion engines to electric vehicles will cause a massive negative economic disruption with little to no positive effect on the climate. [MAJOR QUESTION DOCTRINE]

There is no specific legislation requiring this. Congress is responsible for forming the laws of this country. Congress is not allowed to delegate its authority to the Executive Branch. [NON-DELEGATION DOCTRINE]

Article I, Section 1: All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

King Biden should be stopped by SCOTUS. 


April 8, 2023

Bullhornist NOT Racist

On March 30, 3 Tennessee lawmakers violated the rules of decorum and encouraged and participated in a protest, obstructing the functioning of the Tennessee legislature.

We all know how important it is to stop protesters from interfering with the functioning of Legislatures as evidenced by the prosecution of the January 6 protesters.

All three legislators were punished. The two that participated with the bullhorn were expelled. The third, that defended herself for not using the bullhorn, was one vote short of being expelled, but was removed from committees.

Some, i.e. most people on the left, want to instantly claim racism. 

I think it’s more likely that this is just consequences for behaviors, something many non-resilient snowflakes do not understand. 

Then again, maybe it is just plain old bullhornism. 

April 7, 2023

Biden's Feckless Leadership for Ukraine

  • 2014 - Russia Invades parts of Ukraine – Biden/Obama do little
  • 2021 - Russia Threatens to Takeover Ukraine – Biden does little
  • 2022 - Russia Invades the rest of Ukraine – Biden does little
  • 2023 – Ukraine being destroyed – Biden doing little

From the beginning Biden has continued to dither in his efforts to stop Ukraine.  Initially he actually stopped providing Javelin anti-tank weapons started under Trump to avoid “provoking” Putin. He then minimized a “minor” incursion. Next, instead of arming and encouraging Ukraine, he offered a ride out to Zelensky. Zelensky’s response: “I need bullets not a ride.” Then over the past year, he has only stingily increased the numbers and capabilities of weapons provided to Ukraine and STILL refuses to offer jets, long range artillery, significant armor and other weapons systems that would help Ukraine.

Exacerbating the problem, Biden has been unsuccessful in leading the world to stop Putin.  Most of the world is not helping.  Small, ex-Soviet countries are providing more support for Ukraine than the US and most of Europe, especially the large, developed countries, are far behind in their support.

Where is Biden’s leadership?

Despite having to fight with one arm tied behind their back, only the heroically brave fighting of the Ukrainians combined with the inept performance of the Russian armed forces have stopped Russia from being successful yet. However, Russia has more men, more money and more weapons than Ukraine and continues to make incremental advances.

The result is the continued destruction of Ukraine and the deaths of 10’s of thousand of Ukranians.

Putin needs to be stopped.

Biden needs to lead. 


Biden Lacks Energy. We're paying for it.


People STILL not working

Biden continues to be intellectually dishonest. He brags that he has created more jobs during his first two years than any president in history. What he forgets to mention is this is recovery after a government imposed shut down related to the pandemic. Of course jobs are coming back. In fact, if you look at what happened after the pandemic, Trump actually has created more jobs than Biden has to date.  Not that that is any more meaningful than Biden’s claim. 

A real problem is the number of people that have stopped working. Why? Could it be Biden benefits?

Mental Health or Gun Control

I wonder why Biden only focuses on guns and not mental health?

If somebody is so uncomfortable with their body that they want to alter it with chemicals and/or surgery and want to live as a different sex from what they are, you do have to wonder about their mental health don’t you?


US President Joe Biden told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that  the US will not aid any Israeli counterattack on Iran , US media report,...