September 14, 2023
September 13, 2023
Bidenomics - who is going to pay this back
Biden continues to increase the debt faster than his predecessors. Funds Terrorists
Clear Evidence
Despite the White House's and Main Stream Media's sycophantic claims that there is no evidence to support an impeachment inquiry, there is clear evidence of 2 things.
1. Joe Biden received over $20 million from corrupt foreign entities.
2. Biden Administration's Justice Department has obfuscated, stonewalled and delayed investigating these issues along with clear potential crimes by Joe Biden's son.
What, if anything, he did for the money and what, if anything, he or others did to affect the Justice Department investigation needs to be examined.
Given the total lack of interest in investigating by the Justice system and the resistance of the Administration to cooperating with Congress, it seems an impeachment inquiry is one of the few tools remaining and reasonable to provide Congress with more and better investigative tools.
Bidenomics - Increasing Prices
September 12, 2023
I am going to wait
September 11, 2023
Garbage in garbage out
Democrat’s False Narrative
The Democrats continue to say that the January 6 riots for a few hours were the same threat to Democracy as 9/11.
It is the Democrats’ lies, false narratives and politicalization of the justice system that are threatening Democracy.
September 10, 2023
September 9, 2023
Was Biden Bribed?
We know the Biden family was paid millions by Burisma.
We know Burisma was being investigated for corruption.
We know Biden bragged about getting the prosecutor.
We know, Biden claimed the prosecutor knew was corrupt.
September 8, 2023
School choice for me but not for thee
September 7, 2023
Bidenomics - who is he helping
US President Joe Biden told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the US will not aid any Israeli counterattack on Iran , US media report,...

It’s funny that Biden can flout SCOTUS and find 100’s of billions to BRIBE voters but can’t find a few billion to help Ukraine. Pusillanimou...
Biden flouts SCOTUS Takes hard earned tax dollars to bribe voters. Ignores real needs. The benefit will be available to individuals earn...
THE CBO released their annual report on the distribution of household income 2020. This includes all sources of income, taxes and transfers...