September 13, 2023

Bidenomics - who is going to pay this back

Biden continues to increase the debt faster than his predecessors.

Biden Funds Terrorists

Why Biden announced this on 9/11 God only knows.

Clear Evidence

Despite the White House's and Main Stream Media's sycophantic claims that there is no evidence to support an impeachment inquiry, there is clear evidence of 2 things.

1. Joe Biden received over $20 million from corrupt foreign entities.  

2. Biden Administration's Justice Department has obfuscated, stonewalled and delayed investigating these issues along with clear potential crimes by Joe Biden's son.

What, if anything, he did for the money and what, if anything, he or others did to affect the Justice Department investigation needs to be examined.

Given the total lack of interest in investigating by the Justice system and the resistance of the Administration to cooperating with Congress, it seems an impeachment inquiry is one of the few tools remaining and reasonable to provide Congress with more  and better investigative tools.

Bidenomics - Increasing Prices

Despite the Democrats' and their Main Stream Media sycophants' explanations and claims, Joe Biden's policies and programs continue to raise prices.

September 12, 2023

I am going to wait

If anybody cares I am going to wait. 

Also not clear the validity of recommending this vaccine for everybody six months and up. 

Nov 2020 participated in JNJ Covid vaccine trial
Mar 2021 1st Moderna vaccine
Apr 2021 2nd Moderna vaccine 
July 2021 diagnosed atrial fibrillation (64 year old)
Nov 2021 Pfizer Booster
Sep 2022 Pfizer bivalent vaccine
Aug 2023 first confirmed case of Covid (mild cold)
Sep 2023 I am going to wait

The Covid virus is covered with spike protein. 

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines use a modified mRNA to cause cells in your body to make the Spike protein from which fragments are displayed on cells surfaces and which also results in Spike protein in your blood that is transported throughout your body. 

It is the spike protein fragments displayed on the surface of cells or circulating in your blood that eventually interact with your body’s adaptive immune system’s B and T helper cells, both with specific receptors to fragments of the Spike protein, working with other signals from your immune system, that results first in your body producing antibodies that recognize the spike protein and therefore also the virus, allowing your body to degrade the Spike protein or kill cells infected with the virus, and then second produce memory B and T cells that can react to a future infection. 

The spike protein binds to the ACE 2 receptors in your body. ACE 2 receptors are found on many different tissues and organs throughout your body. What affect the spike proteins from the vaccines have when they interact with receptors throughout your body is not well known. Whether they affect in a negative manner with whatever biochemical signals are related to the specific ACE 2 receptor they interact with is not well known. The safety data from the large trials would indicate that there are only minor risks to populations in the acute phase after vaccination as we do not see any significant number of people dying. 

Whether there are significant long-term affects is very difficult to see. People have been vaccinated. People have had Covid. Vaccinated people have had Covid. Identifying the underlying cause of changes in incidences of diseases is difficult. We do know the vaccine seems to cause increased myocarditis   And there does appear to be an increase in atrial fibrillation after the vaccine. There are many other claims of many other negative affects of the vaccine. However, it appears for an unexposed, unvaccinated person that the vaccination risks are less than the risk of the disease. 

But, importantly, what the risk/benefits are for people who have had vaccinations and or Covid infections is far from clear and the trials that the FDA are using on the most recent vaccines were not designed to clearly address this question.  

There is also interesting question as to why Pfizer and  Moderna have not changed the design of their vaccine in a manner that would minimize the interaction with ACE 2 receptors?

There is also an argument that a nasal vaccine would be more efficient and effective. 

Last there’s also information that alternative designs (novavax) might be more efficient and safe. 

The studies were small, ~50 people and only looked at antibody levels and safety at 15 days.  

The CDC’s recommendation is based in a study with 50 people and looked at antibody levels and safety at 15 days. 

It was not a long-term efficacy and safety study

Covid is extremely low risk to young healthy people. Vaccines have quantifiable risks to young healthy people. 

Almost everyone has some natural immunity from previous infections

It is unreasonable for CDC to tell young healthy people to get vaccinated

Bidenomics - Ouch

September 7, 2023

Bidenomics - who is he helping

The world uses a lot of crude oil and will continue to use a lot of crude oil for a long time. 

Biden is decreasing US oil production and draining our strategic oil reserve, resulting in increased prices AND helping Russia and Middle East countries. 


US President Joe Biden told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that  the US will not aid any Israeli counterattack on Iran , US media report,...