October 18, 2023

What happened to NYT?

Once the nations leading NEWSpaper. Now a neo-Marxist political rag.

Where’s the DOJ?


It’s NOT a Game



Media Lies Matter

Early afternoon October 18 a news story came out that Israel bombed a hospital killing hundreds. The New York Times immediately ran the story. Neo-Marxist Democrats immediately ran the story. The mainstream media immediately ran the story.

The result of this story is fomenting anger and hatred throughout the Middle East endangering people people throughout the world.

The source of the story, the evil, inhuman terrorists that murder babies and innocent civilians.

Approximately 12 hours later, real information comes out that shows that the hospital was actually hit by an errant missile launched by the evil inhuman terrorists.

It’s too late. The damage has been done. The New York Times doesn’t care about truth. The Neo-Marxist Democrats don’t care about truth. 

October 15, 2023

Actions not words!

 Neo-Marxist Biden’s geopolitical policies didn’t deter Putin, didn’t stop Iran from attacking US 83 times during his term so far and didn’t deter Iran’s proxy Hamas from a horrific attack. Maybe it’s because of his disastrous Afghan withdrawal, his dither support for Ukraine delaying the supply of weapons with the needed capabilities, or his accommodating approach to Iran allowing them to increase their oil sales, trying to reopen nuclear weapon discussions or the $6 billion sweetener he gave to the worlds leading sponsor of terrorism. 

Iran is evil. Hamas is evil. We know where the evil leaders are. What will Biden do?

He should lead the efforts to eliminate the evil leaders of Iran and their fundamentalist partners.

Neo-Marxist Democrat in Chief

The Neo-Marxist Democrat in Chief continues to lie and tear our country apart. There is no state that prohibits/limits homosexuals or adult transsexuals. There are states that limit medically transitioning children if not medically necessary because children are not competent to make that decision.

October 14, 2023

Why you’ll be seeing Neo-Marxist

Labels Matter (and work)

For years I was always frustrated that the Democrats were labeled “progressives “ and Republicans labeled “conservatives” because progressive sounded better, like you were moving forward or you know, progressing. Who wouldn’t want to progress. 

It was only after reading George Will‘s book, The Conservative Sensibility, that I learned about the start of the  progressive movement which was a socialistic movement that believed that the Administrative State (Government) staffed with the elites was more capable of making decisions rather than individuals.   It became pervasive under President Wilson and his policies.

Conservatives, on the other hand, wanted to maintain the country as originally founded based on limiting the role and size of government and relying on the individual’s natural rights. 

Given the real definitions of these labels, I had no problem being a Conservative Republican BUT still resented that we didn’t have a better name.  

Then came Trump. I was never a fan of Trump and found him intellectually lazy, bombastic, inarticulate, narcissistic, lacking gravitas and poorly spoken. However, I greatly preferred conservative policies over Democrat policies and was forced to hold my nose and vote for him. And I had no problem with the slogan make America great again, MAGA. 

Unfortunately, as the first epidemic to hit the US after Trump, TDS, the Democrats and the mainstream media were able to take all of Trump’s flaws and faults, and label them as MAGA. 

So today, it’s obvious from the focus groups the Democrats have run, that labeling Republicans as MAGA Republicans helps the Democratic effort to get votes and hurts theRepublican efforts to get votes.

So, what should we label the Democrats. I think the perfect label is Neo-Marxist Democrats. This is actually a perfectly accurate label as it encompasses their economic, government, organization, and social policies.

And besides, nobody likes Marxists, except other Marxists.

October 12, 2023

Bidenomics - Pump Prices 1$ higher



Bidenomics-Mortgage Rates Ouch!



Some Key Dates, Borders, and Questions

A simple history with approximate borders and dates of the Southern Levant are below.

3500 BC    The start of first recorded histories of civilization from ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.

1450 BC    As civilizations grew, Cannan developed in an area between Egypt and Mesopotamia.

1000 BC   The Cannan area evolves into Judah and Israel.

300 BC    Egypt  (Alexander the Great/Roman Empire) expands into the Cannan area.

1516        Taken over by the Ottoman Empire

1918        Britain forms Palestine as homeland for the Jews and Jordan.

1947        The UN adopts borders for Israel. Opposed by Arab countries.

1949        Arab countries invade. Israel defeats invading Arab armies and armistice lines established

1967        Arab countries invade. Israel defeats invading Arab armies and occupies Gaza Strip, West                        Bank, Golan Heights and Sinai.

1982        Israel and Egypt reach peace agreement and Israel returns occupied land.

2005        Israel leaves Gaza Strip. Hamas elected.


1. What dates and borders are "right?"  Many parties can make claims of ownership and fairness.  One example would be Native Americans who could argue that they should be given all of  North America back as they were here first. My view is that for the sake of peace that the UN 1948 lines should be respected as that was the last time the world "agreed' to lines.  Any change of lines would only be thru mutual agreement or as consequences (see below.)

2. If one country invades another should there be consequences and if so, what? My view is yes.  If you invade and loose, you risk consequences such as loosing land or having your land occupied. 

3. What if the invading country wins? My view is that as best as the world can, countries must work together to stop or reverse one country trying to take another country.  I recognize that this may not always be possible due to strategic strength or importance.

4. Does Israel have a right to exist? Palestine was created by the British as a homeland for Jews when they were given responsibility for administering the Southern Levant an area previously controlled by the Ottoman Empire that was on the loosing side of WW I. The UN General Assembly approved the creation of Israel. Israel is a functioning democracy. Israel has always indicated they are happy to live in peace with neighboring countries.  Unfortunately they have neighbors, foremost Iran, who have refused to accept the legitimacy of Israel of any form and who have a stated commitment to eradicate Israel. My view is they have the right to exit with the concordant right to defend themselves.

5. Do Palestinians have the right to exist?  Yes. Israel is ~21% Palestinian and in Israel they have full rights of citizenship.  Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the west Bank have the right to live peacefully.  They DO NOT have the right to continue to attack Israel and they risk loosing their rights to live as they wish in their territory if they continue to attack Israel. Arab countries surrounding Israel are FREE to allow as Palestinians to immigrate to their countries.

6. Is this "fair?" It seems as fair as denying Native Americans a right to reclaim North America.


Bidenomics-Consumer Prices Keep Rising


October 11, 2023

Bidenomics-Producer Prices Still Rising



Iran and Hamas Evil

 The difference is one side encourages, plans and celebrates the murder of babies and civilians . The other side tries their best to minimize collateral damage when targeting Hamas cowardly hiding among civilians. 

One side has repeatedly offered and accepted a two state solution. The other side wants to eradicate Jews.

October 10, 2023

Blow up the bad guys

Whether Iran was directly involved with the Hamas attack on Israel (likely) or only indirectly (certain) through their long term critical support for Hamas and Hamas’s goals  of the eradication of Israel, Iran deserves severe consequences: at a minimum reimposing limits on their oil sales and reclaiming the $6 billion recently released and more effective, killing Senior Iranian leaders that back terrorism and destroying their nuclear weapons program. 

October 9, 2023

Hey Joe - what consequences?


The Iranian backed Hamas terrorists are pure evil: killing, raping and kidnapping civilians including women and children.

Israel provides advance notice to Palestinians in the Gazza strip, so they can evacuate areas that will soon be occupied by Israeli troops destroying Hamas. 


Bidenomics-spending your money



US President Joe Biden told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that  the US will not aid any Israeli counterattack on Iran , US media report,...