October 25, 2023

They’re not tax breaks

Corporate tax break or investment discouragement

You often hear of the corporate tax breaks that the IRS through Congress action give corporations. However, what is often the case, is that Congress is deciding what expenses can be recognized when.

Companies spend money. And some cases they can deduct that spending in the same year they spend it. However, in many cases, they are not allowed to deduct those expenses in the year they spend it. They have to spread those expenses over several years. When they invest in equipment, they have to depreciate it over several years. Investments in research and development were allowed to be expense in the year they were spent. Now, the IRS is requiring research and development expenses to be spread over multiple years. 

This increases the taxes the companies have to pay in the year they are investing.  And while they will then pay lower taxes in later years, this requires companies to find money in the current year to pay the current taxes. 

This discourages investment in research just as it discourages investment in equipment. 

So, you see, it’s not tax breaks.  It’s removing penalties on investment. Investment is good. 

October 23, 2023

Peace could be simple


Systemic racism or culture?

Another week and more lives lost. Until the Democrats stop propagating the false narrative nothing will change.

Black lives matter - of course. All lives matter. But BLM is hurting blacks because it propagates the false narrative that systemic racism today is the primary cause of the disparities today taking away agency (responsibility for one’s actions.)

If you don’t identify the problem, you cannot fix it. What societal culture in our cities leads to such behaviors( violent crime, murder, teen mothers, fatherless households?)

It cannot be whatever small amount of systemic racism that may exist today because you cannot see the problem with black immigrants  

Racism exists (though not widespread), it’s bad, and we should continue to work to reduce it. Excess police force exists (though rare), it's  bad and we should continue to work to reduce it.

BLM organization’s positions and policies do not address the problems (murders, fatherless households, teen pregnancy, lack of agency) and do not address the key root causes (it’s not excessive police force or systemic racism.) 

Obama Reminder



Biden Border Unfair

To legally immigrate into the US is almost impossible unless you are a relative (8 year wait), employer sponsored or win a very limited lottery.

No doubt there are highly capable, hard working people throughout the world that want to integrate into US society with its freedom and norms. 

Tough luck!

On the other hand Biden continues to allow a porous border for illegal immigants.

The latest Illegal Immigration data released (late Friday of course.)

Biden’s border policies continue to be a mess, put many innocents at risk AND allow Mexican cartels to get rich.

So far illegal immigration is over 4 times more under Biden than Trump, averaging 222,000 per month versus 50,780.  At this rate, this will be over 10 MILLION illegal immigrants under Biden's term.  And this doesn't count the "got aways," people crossing the border without being caught. And unlike Trump, who retuned illegal immigrants to remain in Mexico until their claimed refugee status could be determined, Biden is releasing illegal immigrants into the USA with a promise to return at a distance future date for court hearings.  The result is 100,000's of of illegal immigrants in cities across the country needing food, shelter and education for children and now having permission to work.  Just imaging how many more illegal immigrants will be attracted to come and work in the USA, the greatest country.

How is this fair to the many people throughout the world trying to legally immigrate to the USA?

The Founders had three criteria for new immigrants: their qualifications; their assimilation; and their allegiance. Today, I have no clue what Biden's criteria or goals are.

I support immigration. A lot of immigration. But legal immigration, with a mix of merit based  (engineers, scientists, entrepreneurs, doctors, mathematicians, etc.) and opportunity-based (people who want to work hard, adopt American values, and get ahead).

Bidenomics is the problem


October 18, 2023

What happened to NYT?

Once the nations leading NEWSpaper. Now a neo-Marxist political rag.

Where’s the DOJ?


It’s NOT a Game



Media Lies Matter

Early afternoon October 18 a news story came out that Israel bombed a hospital killing hundreds. The New York Times immediately ran the story. Neo-Marxist Democrats immediately ran the story. The mainstream media immediately ran the story.

The result of this story is fomenting anger and hatred throughout the Middle East endangering people people throughout the world.

The source of the story, the evil, inhuman terrorists that murder babies and innocent civilians.

Approximately 12 hours later, real information comes out that shows that the hospital was actually hit by an errant missile launched by the evil inhuman terrorists.

It’s too late. The damage has been done. The New York Times doesn’t care about truth. The Neo-Marxist Democrats don’t care about truth. 

October 15, 2023

Actions not words!

 Neo-Marxist Biden’s geopolitical policies didn’t deter Putin, didn’t stop Iran from attacking US 83 times during his term so far and didn’t deter Iran’s proxy Hamas from a horrific attack. Maybe it’s because of his disastrous Afghan withdrawal, his dither support for Ukraine delaying the supply of weapons with the needed capabilities, or his accommodating approach to Iran allowing them to increase their oil sales, trying to reopen nuclear weapon discussions or the $6 billion sweetener he gave to the worlds leading sponsor of terrorism. 

Iran is evil. Hamas is evil. We know where the evil leaders are. What will Biden do?

He should lead the efforts to eliminate the evil leaders of Iran and their fundamentalist partners.

Neo-Marxist Democrat in Chief

The Neo-Marxist Democrat in Chief continues to lie and tear our country apart. There is no state that prohibits/limits homosexuals or adult transsexuals. There are states that limit medically transitioning children if not medically necessary because children are not competent to make that decision.


US President Joe Biden told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that  the US will not aid any Israeli counterattack on Iran , US media report,...