November 14, 2023

School Choice Can Fix Education

Despite billions of dollars and years of neo-Marxist Democrat policies controlled by the teachers’ union, the US education system is failing. 

U.S. ranks 36th in math and 13th in reading on the 2018 Program for International Student Assessment

Black and Hispanic students lag behind their white peers in academics, graduation rates and college enrollment. 

Parents need to have the autonomy to select the optimal educational environment for their children, unbounded by geography or income brackets, and to take their full allotment of education funds with them. 

If we can fully commit to free-market principles in education, we can create an education system that unlocks the talents of every student in our lifetimes.

Systemic Racism or Culture

Say her name: Jillian Ludwig 

Neo-Marxist Democrat soft on crime policies are killing people. 

We know that most crimes are committed by a small number of repeat offenders. 

We know that increasing the likelihood of being caught and punished deter crime.  

Why do Democrats not only refuse these common sense policies, but they actually propose and are doing the opposite.

All this because their false belief that systemic racism is the primary cause for the disparities between blacks and whites justifies their CRAZY policies of not catching and punishing criminals. 

November 13, 2023

Systemic Racism or Culture

The Neo-Marxist Democrats and mainstream media will try to make every instance of a white person harming a black person, a piece of evidence of the systemic racism they claim exists. However, when it comes to interracial crime, blacks are dramatically, disproportionally, the offenders. 

And, of course, because it does not fit their narrative, you don’t hear about the race of a victim, or the race of the offenders, when the victim is white, and the perpetrators are black

November 10, 2023

Biden’s Naive Geopolitical Policies

If Biden continues giving Ukraine to Putin
Taiwan will be next

Ukraine continues to valiantly and bravely struggle to reclaim their land back from Russia. Unfortunately, Ukraine has significantly less population and smaller industrial base and cannot win a war of attrition.

Ukraine needs a lot more weapons with greater capabilities. If not, Russia will win, China will take Taiwan and the US will lose.

Meanwhile, Biden continues to DITHER in his support. He has continued to delay and slow walk the weapons provided. And only recently providing a miserly number of long range artillery (ATACMS) and a limited number of tanks and only reluctantly supporting the supply and training of a handful of F-16s.


Is he Putin’s puppet? Is he a p#%<y? Or just pusillanimous?

November 8, 2023

Biden’s misguided efforts

Fair Share?

Neo-Marxist Democrats continual to claim that the ridge do not pay their fair share.

However, if you look at national income data, the top 1% share of national income after taxes has remained constant since 1960.

What is clear is a continual and dramatic increase in the amount of taxes, taking from those making more and transferred to those making less.

In fact, there is an argument that these tax transfers and entitlement systems discourage work.

Ohio amendment

It seems to me that the Ohio amendment fits what most Americans probably agree with: Up until a fetus is viable, a moment should have a right to an abortion. After viability, abortions may ( and should) be restricted to cases where they’re necessary to save the life of the mother. My guess is that is where Ohio will end up  

But interestingly, the language opens up the likelihood that the neo-Marxist Democrats will continue to pursue their desire to have mentally unhealthy children being able to decide to have  permanent life altering treatment and surgery without their parents approval  

November 3, 2023

2022 Homicide Incidents

The FBI just released 2022 crime data. A quick look at the incidents of non-negligent, non-justified homicides where the victim and offender are black or white shows that:
  1. blacks are significantly, disproportionately suffering from homicides
  2. blacks are significantly, disproportionately committing homicides
  3. blacks are slightly, disproportionately committing white homicides
  4. blacks are dramatically, disproportionately committing black homicides

Jobs and Participation

 Why are people still not working?

October 26, 2023

So far so good

GDP and Recessions

 A good GDP quarter. Will it last? By the only objective measure, 2 quarters of negative GDP growth, Bidenomics has given us 1 recession.  Will there be another? We shall see.

Don’t trust evil

Iran and Hamas are evil. You cannot trust evil. And while acknowledging that even a blind pig can find an acorn every once in a while, there is a dramatic difference between Biden and the previous administration regarding trusting Iran and Hamas. 


US President Joe Biden told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that  the US will not aid any Israeli counterattack on Iran , US media report,...