September 13, 2021

Iran Nuclear Deal was always a Fairy Tale

UPDATE - But the regime also has stonewalled a sep­a­rate IAEA in­ves­ti­ga­tion into un­de­clared nu­clear sites in the coun­try. This points to a fun­da­men­tal flaw in the nu­clear agree­ment: No one knows the true ex­tent of the Iran­ian nu­clear pro­gram, let alone what’s hap­pen­ing at the de­clared sites. The sense of se­cu­rity the deal pro­vided the West was il­lu­sory, but the sanc­tions re­lief was real.

Iran was always Cheating

A key part of the Iran Nuclear Deal, in addition to the "anywhere anytime" inspections (that in reality were only as/if Iran chose to allow - which they didn't) was complete disclosure of all nuclear activity.

Just this month the IAEA said its in­ves­ti­ga­tors found nu­clear ma­te­r­ial at another un­de­clared site and that Iran’s ex­pla­na­tion was “not cred­i­ble.” 

This is in addition to the discovery in May 2018 of the existence of a secret Iranian nuclear archive — a curation of Iran’s past work on nuclear weapons, which had never been disclosed to international inspectors or nuclear deal negotiators.

What else don't we know.

Too bad Iran's top nuclear weapons scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, was just assassinated in an ambush.

And too bad that it appears Democrats and Biden's team still believe in fairy tales

U.S. Senator Chris Murphy, the top Democrat on the U.S. Senate’s Middle East subcommittee, said on Twitter that “this assassination does not make America, Israel or the world safer.” Huh???

Robert Malley, who served as Iran adviser to Obama and is advisor to Biden’s team, questions Fakhrizadeh’s killing, "One purpose is simply to inflict as much damage to Iran economically and to its nuclear program while they can, and the other could be to complicate President Biden’s ability to resume diplomacy and resume the nuclear deal” 


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