February 26, 2021

Joe Biden - the Jobs Killer

Pres­i­dent Biden’s $1.9 tril­lion Covid-re­lief pack­age will result in 5-8 mil­lion fewer Amer­i­cans working over the next six months. 

The bill would cre­ate one of the largest ex­pan­sions in gov­ern­ment wel­fare ben­e­fits since the birth of the mod­ern wel­fare state: it ex­panda the safety net to in­clude six months of weekly $400 bonus un­em­ploy­ment ben­e­fits on top of the nor­mal weekly ben­e­fits, a $3,000-a-child tax credit, an ex­pan­sion of food stamps and rental as­sistance, $2,000-a-per­son checks, and ex­panded health ben­e­fits.

For example, in Kan­sas, a fam­ily of four with two un­em­ployed adults who had earned U.S. me­dian wages could get paid the af­ter-tax equiv­a­lent of more than $135,000 on an an­nual ba­sis with­out work­ing an hour. In Mass­achusetts the fig­ure is $170,000. The Biden pack­age of ben­e­fits would ex­ceed the wages and salaries of at least 85% of house­holds.

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