October 22, 2021

Fauci is lying (updated)

The 2014 grant states that “no funds are pro­vided and no funds can be used to sup­port gain-of-func­tion re­search.” But Rut­gers Uni­ver­sity mol­e­c­u­lar bi­ol­o­gist Richard Ebright notes that other NIH doc­u­ments “de­fin­i­tively” show oth­er­wise. “The re­search pro­posed, ap­proved, and per­formed un­der the grant was gain of func­tion re­search of con­cern, ir­re­spec­tive of false state­ments made by NI­AID when and af­ter ap­prov­ing the grant,” he said. “A vi­o­la­tion is a vi­o­la­tion, even if the vi­o­la­tor states vi­o­la­tions are not per­mit­ted.”

The NIH funded Chinese coronavirus research. Chinese 
coronavirus research included gain of function. Money is fungible. 


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