December 26, 2021

Abortion not worse than Rape in Texas

False narratives are tearing our country apart 

Texas punishment for rape (aggravated sexual assault) is 5-99 years

Texas punishment for having abortion is NOTHING 

The problem is that the main stream media and social media continue to propagate false narratives that help misinform people and help drive a wedge between us. 

Over the holidays I was lucky to be with a lot of family. For the most part we avoided political discussions, however there was one instance where I overheard two of my family vehemently agreeing how Texas actually had significantly more severe penalties for Abortion than rape.  I didn’t think this was true but kept my thoughts to myself because I hadn’t previously looked into this claim and didn’t know the facts.   However, after looking up and reading Texas law I found that their belief was absolutely INCORRECT. 

Texas has passed a new abortion law that I, not being qualified, and most legal experts, being qualified, belief will eventually be overturned by the Supreme Court, that does provide for CIVIL penalties for anyone providing or assisting in an abortion after 6 weeks except for the health of the mother BUT it excludes the person having the abortion. 

Note that I support the right to choose but believe that as the fetus develops there are more and more rights that we as a society might need to consider for the fetus in balance with all the rights of the pregnant woman. 

Texas Penal Code - PENAL § 22.021. Aggravated Sexual Assault

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