February 22, 2022

Whimpering not withering sanctions


From Bloomberg News

Instead of a sweeping package that crippled top Russian banks, cut its financial transactions off from the global economy, or personally singled out Vladimir Putin -- the U.S. and its allies settled on a modest “first tranche” of penalties. Markets responded with a shrug, underwhelmed by the tit-for-tat approach.

The sanctions targeted a pair of Russian banks, VEB.RFand Promsvyazbank as well as three members of Russia’s elite with close ties to the Kremlin. The penalties also sought to freeze future purchases of Russian sovereign debt. 

Yet the sanctions hardly amounted to the precedent-shattering, economy-crippling measures the U.S. and its partners long telegraphed if Russian troops rolled across the border. 

More from WSJ
The White House bet seems to be that sanc­tions re­straint will cause Mr. Putin to set­tle for hold­ing the re­gions his forces now oc­cupy and for­go­ing an as­sault on Kyiv. But the Russ­ian has never been de­terred be­fore by West­ern re­straint, and he may see this as more weak­ness. Mr. Putin re­sponds only to strength, and the West still isn’t show­ing enough.

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