March 1, 2022

No-Fly Zone NEEDED! NOW!

The only way to stop Putin is with a No-Fly zone.  If we give in to his "nuclear threat" he will get whatever he wants. 

Putin wants the Russian empire (Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia...) If he is willing to use nuclear weapons to take the Ukraine then he’s willing to use nuclear weapons to take the rest of his empire. The world needs to stop him now.

EU/NATO/Europe Setting up a defensive no-fly Zone in Western Ukraine is not an act of war. If Russia chooses to violate Ukrainian airspace that is protected by a no-fly zone that is on Russia.

Despite the heroically brave efforts of the Ukrainians to date, there is little chance they can prevail against the vastly outnumbering Russian forces without significant military support from the West which would best be served by a no-fly zone in Western Ukraine.

1 comment:

  1. We can't. BUT we can give them Lend/Lease of jets. They keep saying No to NO FLY ZONE BECAUSE ITS CONTESTED. WELL... Give them Jets for them to fight. Please contact anyone at the White House to put pressure on Biden. I like him but he's being too timid. Lend/lease gives them ALL THEY NEED CONSTANTLY! THANK YOU



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