April 19, 2021

WOW! Google is broken!


Over the weekend Maxine Waters expressed her belief that people should get out and become even more confrontational in Minneapolis if the defendant is found not guilty. 

This incitement to violence if you don’t get what you want is part of the problem with America these days

Then, what is really concerning, is that I googled Maxine Waters insurrection I see no mention of this. However if I use DuckDuckGo I find numerous references to this.

google (woke) is broke

April 16, 2021

Nope. Nothing to see here. (Biden's Policies are a Border Crisis)


Comparing February-March Southwest border apprehensions shows that Biden has caused a 310% increase in unaccompanied minors (that is children coming alone) and a 289% increase in all apprehensions.

A crisis? I think so.

Climate change?  I don't think so.  I think it is just proof of how much so many people  in the world want to come to the freest, fairest, most exceptional country in the world.

AND...Biden telling them to come.

And don'r even ask me what I think about the Democrats' desire to have automatic registration of everyone with a drivers license, mail in voting, ballot harvesting and no ID required to vote.

I don

April 15, 2021

CNN - The left’s propaganda machine

“Any reporter on CNN, what they’re actually doing is they’re telling the person what to say. It’s always, like, leading them in a direction before they even open their mouths,” he said. “And the only people we let on air, for the most part, are people that have a proven track record of taking the bait.”


Democrats should be on their knees thanking God they live in America

Thomas-Greenfield’s accusation against her own country of “white supremacy” “weaved” “into our founding documents and principles” is not only flat-out, 100 percent, lying liar false, it is a word-for-word amplification of Chinese communist propaganda designed to wreck what it sees as its No. 1 competitor for world domination.


April 13, 2021

April 10, 2021

Say it Ain’t so Joe! Biden’s Job Plan Hurts Workers and US Economy

A new analy­sis of the pres­i­dent’s “Amer­i­can Jobs Plan” from the Uni­ver­sity of Penn­syl­va­nia’s Whar­ton School finds that over the next decade the Biden scheme would re­duce U.S. eco­nomic growth, cap­i­tal stock, wages and hours worked. But there is some­thing that the plan would in­crease—fed­eral debt. In short, it’s a dis­as­ter for U.S. in­vestors, work­ers and tax­pay­ers.

It's not too late (for 1st shots first)


Through April 8, 2021, the US had purchased enough vaccine for 1.6 million doses of vaccine.

In the Moderna study 2.2% of the participants were excluded over the course of enrollment because they had Covid-19 at time of enrollment.  If you say that 2.2 % of  1.6 million Americans would have been expected to catch Covid-19 over the time we have been vaccinating  you might expect 0.5% of those infected to die.  This means you'd expect around 17,600 deaths out of 1.6 unvaccinated Americans.

With the current practice of giving a second dose shortly after the first dose we have vaccinated around 800,000 people.  With 1.6 million Americans, where we vaccinate 1/2 with a vaccine that is 94% effective, with the practice of giving the second dose shortly after the first dose, we would expect to save ~ 8,272 lives.  A good achievement.

But an even better idea would be to postpone the second dose.  Based on the data from the trials and the experience of the UK the first dose provides arounds 90% efficacy.  If we had vaccinated 1.6 million with only a first dose, postponing the second dose, we would have saved ~7500 more lives.

And 1st shots 1st would also help reduce the spread of the virus in the population having an addition positive effect

Follow the science! 

It's not too late.

There are over 200 million unvaccinated Americans.

If we vaccinate with 1st shots 1st we will save thousands of lives.

March 17, 2021

A Good Counter to CRT(Critical Race Theory)

This group appears to be trying to counter the false narrative of Critical Race Theory and to fight cancel culture and “wokeness .”    I think these things are hurting America and blacks so I support this group. 


March 15, 2021

Cardi B’s WAP more Important than Black Lives?

Where’s the outrage?  Where are the BLM organization/protesters? The concern over black lives this past summer couldn’t have been political could it?

Another week and more lives lost. Until the Democrats stop propagating the false narrative nothing will change.

Black lives matter - I support the words but cannot support the organization because it propagates the false narrative that systemic racism is the primary cause of the disparities(incarceration, teen mothers, fatherless households, income, wealth, etc.) between blacks and whites.

Racism exists, it’s bad, and we should continue to work to reduce it. Excess police force is bad and we should continue to work to reduce it.

BLM organization’s positions and policies do not address the problems (murders, fatherless households, teen pregnancy) and do not address the key root causes (it’s not excessive police force or systemic racism.) 

March 14, 2021

COVID Update 3/14/21It's Getting Better but FIRST SHOTS FIRST!


The trends down in cases, hospitalizations and deaths continues down in the US.

It is similar in all states.

The US continues to be similar to major EU countries.

Now that 3 vaccines have been approved in the US and an additional 2 approved outside the US, including the EU, UK and Canada, the Trump Administration secured enough vaccine to protect over 900 million people and the US is purchasing vaccine as fast as it can be manufactured and vaccinating the population.

However, because of the manufacturing limit and as a result a shortage of vaccines immediately available, the Biden Administration is killing 10's of thousands by not prioritizing first shots first, delaying second shots and shots to those who have had Covid.


March 12, 2021

Vaccines Developed and Secured Trump - 900 million Biden - zero

When I hear Biden spout another false narrative trying to discredit the accomplishments of the Trump administration with respect to vaccines, claim that they are "fixing" the situation and I see the main stream media allowing this false narrative to be spread, I can't help but worry about where our country is going.


Early in the pandemic the Trump administration initiated project Warp Speed and provided the financial security and incentives for multiple companies to work on developing a vaccine in an extraordinary aggressive timeline.

In fact, when he claimed that a vaccine would be available by the end of 2020 he was widely ridiculed.

What did the Trump Administration do?

They entered agreements with multiple companies, at least 6, where they pre-paid each company for a base amount of vaccine, sufficient for vaccinating between 50 and 150 million Americans and for the option to buy additional vaccine sufficient to vaccinate all Americans from each company.

Let me repeat that.  They essentially contracted with multiple companies to get sufficient vaccine supply for all Americans from each company.  While potentially resulting in too much vaccine, given the risk, uncertainty and the need for expeditious development this was clearly a justified approach.

The result to date is that the Trump Administration secured enough vaccine from companies that have been approved in the US for 900 million Americans.  If you include companies that have not yet been approved in the US but have been approved by Canada, the EU and the UK  the Trump Administration secured enough vaccine from companies for 1.1 billion people.  

Yes the companies still have to produce the additional vaccine, but they have in fact been making it as fast as they can and continue to expand production now that they have approval. 

When you hear Biden claim he is fixing the situation by placing orders for more vaccine, keep in mind all he is doing, similar to a purchasing assistant in a big company releasing a purchase order on an already negotiated purchase contract, is executing the option to buy more of the vaccine that the Trump Administration has already developed, negotiated and secured.

If Biden really wants to help the country he should quit lying about what he is doing and instrad should focus on the science and:

  1. Prioritize first shots first (delaying second shots until all first shots done)
  2. Delay shots for people who have had Covid
  3. Approve AstraZeneca


March 9, 2021

America Needs To Wake Up!

“ No society can long exist if it believes that its own founding principles, its customs and traditions, its very origins are evil and must be erased.“


March 4, 2021

And Who Wants Socialism?

 Perhaps what should have been the world's biggest free trade zone became the world's biggest regulatory-stagnation, high-tax, welfare-state disincentive zone. 

February 27, 2021

California Zaps the Middle Class

The mid­dle class ends up fi­nanc­ing rate sub­si­dies for the poor aimed at ame­lio­rat­ing the higher costs of so­lar sub­si­dies for the well-to-do. Cal­i­for­nia’s cap-and-trade pro­gram and util­ity “pub­lic pur­pose pro­grams” like bat­tery sub­si­dies add sev­eral more cents per kilo­watt hour.



US President Joe Biden told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that  the US will not aid any Israeli counterattack on Iran , US media report,...