July 31, 2022
Biden increases your taxes
July 29, 2022
What do you think happens when you increase the costs (taxes) of companies. They do a combination of three things.
July 28, 2022
Way to go Joe. Two quarters negative GDP growth
Back in 2008, President Joe Biden’s current National Economic Council director, Brian Deese, stated: “Of course economists have a technical definition of recession, which is two consecutive quarters of negative growth.”
And in 2019, top Biden economic adviser Jared Bernstein said that a “recession” is “defined as two consecutive quarters of declining growth.”
President Bill Clinton: “A recession is two quarters in a row of negative growth.”
July 25, 2022
Why don't these black lives matter?
Black lives matter - I support the words but cannot support the organization because it propagates the false narrative that systemic racism is the primary cause of the disparities(murders, incarceration, teen mothers, fatherless households, income, wealth, etc.) between blacks and whites.
Racism exists (though not widespread), it’s bad, and we should continue to work to reduce it. Excess police force exists (though rare), it's bad and we should continue to work to reduce it.
BLM organization’s positions and policies do not address the problems (murders, fatherless households, teen pregnancy, lack of agency) and do not address the key root causes (it’s not excessive police force or systemic racism.)
July 13, 2022
YIKES! - Inflation sucks
I'm starting to remember what it was like in the very early eighties with. It's clear that the Biden's administration injection of too many trillions of dollars into the economy AND their unreasonable green policies constraining US domestic energy production are really hurting.
July 11, 2022
EVs actually hurt environment
July 8, 2022
Joe-People still not working
Biden says “We have more Americans working in the private sector today than any day during Donald Trump’s Presidency -- more people than any time in our history,”
Biden dithers on vaccines
Just as Biden dithers on Ukraine where he continues to fail to lead the free world in assisting Ukraine in defeating the Russians by supplying sufficient quantity and quality of weapons Biden is failing to lead the development of new vaccines.
July 7, 2022
Biden continues to stop oil production
July 6, 2022
Where’s BLM and Lebron?
Black lives matter - I support the words but cannot support the organization because it propagates the false narrative that systemic racism is the primary cause of the disparities(murders, incarceration, teen mothers, fatherless households, income, wealth, etc.) between blacks and whites.
Racism exists (though not widespread), it’s bad, and we should continue to work to reduce it. Excess police force exists (though rare), it's bad and we should continue to work to reduce it.
BLM organization’s positions and policies do not address the problems (murders, fatherless households, teen pregnancy, lack of agency) and do not address the key root causes (it’s not excessive police force or systemic racism.)
Ukraine’s will NEEDS Biden’s means
Ukraine has shown that they have the will to defeat Russia. Biden continues to not have the will to provide Ukraine with the means. Russia continues to have significant more arms than Ukraine and will win a war of attrition. Biden must lead the free world to provide Ukraine with significantly more arms.
June 28, 2022
I guess brown lifes don't matter either
Biden’s policies are a mess AND put many innocents at risk and allow Mexican cartels to get rich.
I support immigration. A lot of immigration. But legal immigration, with a mix of merit based (engineers, scientists, entrepreneurs, doctors, mathematicians, etc.) and opportunity-based (poor people who want to work hard, adopt American values, and get ahead).
June 27, 2022
I guess black lives really don’t matter
Black lives matter - I support the words but cannot support the organization because it propagates the false narrative that systemic racism is the primary cause of the disparities(murders, incarceration, teen mothers, fatherless households, income, wealth, etc.) between blacks and whites.
Racism exists (though not widespread), it’s bad, and we should continue to work to reduce it. Excess police force exists (though rare), it's bad and we should continue to work to reduce it.
BLM organization’s positions and policies do not address the problems (murders, fatherless households, teen pregnancy, lack of agency) and do not address the key root causes (it’s not excessive police force or systemic racism.)
- All states are expected to allow abortions if the mother’s life is at risk
- Few states with limits have an exception for rape or incest.
- Most states will allow the use of Plan B (morning after pill). There is a serious doubt as to the legality of the handful of states that are trying to limit the use of Plan B
- The majority of the majority opinion also made it clear that because abortion affects a fetus with whatever rights it may or may not have, abortion is not the same as other unenumerated rights such as gay marriage, birth control, etc. and there is no reason to think that this court would eliminate the later
June 22, 2022
Russia Rubbles - Biden Dithers
Russia continues to make incremental progress in taking over Eastern Ukraine through the use of massive artillery barrages, rubbling Ukraine towns and villages.
Biden continues to stingily increase the amount and effectiveness of US military aid but, to date, Russian firepower is overwhelming compared to Ukraine. Russia fires 50,000 artillery rounds per day while Ukraine can manage 5000. Not hard to imagine how this will end up.
Putin doesn't care about Ukraine civilians or infrastructure and will continue to destroy Ukraine until he is stopped.
There is also a coming disaster as 100's of millions are at risk of starvation because the important grains of Ukraine cannot be transported due to Russian blockade.
The US is the world's superpower and needs to LEAD these efforts.
June 21, 2022
Way to go Joe
This will not help inflation or US competitiveness
Biden Administration proposing to impose mandatory disclosure requirements concerning climate risks and greenhouse-gas emissions, saying it poses heightened legal liability, hefty costs and reporting burdens this part of Biden‘s green agenda that greatly increases costs today more than the benefits that will happen much later.
Biden Administration endorses a House bill that would add racial equity to the Fed’s dual mandate of price stability and full employment. Forcing equal outcomes instead of equal opportunity based on a false narrative of systemic racism being the primary cause of disparities will hurt not help.
June 16, 2022
Biden Stopping Oil
Biden still not trying to increase oil production.
Despite President Biden’s claims that he’s doing everything he can to fight inflation, it’s clear he’s not.
Biden fighting wrong war
Instead of decisively helping Ukraine defeat Russia by sending more weapons with more capabilities sooner rather than later Biden focuses his efforts on forcing the country to allow children to have irreversible life altering surgery
By By Bret Stephens NYT
Five sentences sum up the war in Ukraine as it stands now.
The Russians are running out of precision-guided weapons. The Ukrainians are running out of Soviet-era munitions. The world is running out of patience for the war. The Biden administration is running out of ideas for how to wage it. And the Chinese are watching.
Moscow’s shortfalls with its arsenal, which have been obvious on the battlefield for weeks, are cause for long-term relief and short-term horror. Relief, because the Russian war machine, on whose modernization Vladimir Putin spent heavily, has been exposed as a paper tiger that could not seriously challenge NATO in a conventional conflict.
Horror, because an army that cannot wage a high-tech war, relatively low on collateral damage, will wage a low-tech war, appallingly high on such damage. Ukraine, by its own estimates, is suffering 20,000 casualties a month. By contrast, the U.S. suffered about 36,000 casualties in Iraq over seven years of war. For all its bravery and resolve, Kyiv can hold off — but not defeat — a neighbor more than three times its size in a war of attrition.
That means Ukraine needs to do more than slow down the Russian Army. It needs to break its spine as quickly as possible.
But that can’t happen in an artillery war when Russia can fire some 60,000 shells per dayagainst the roughly 5,000 that the Ukrainians have said they can get off. Quantity, as the saying goes, has a quality all its own. The Biden administration is providing Ukraine with advanced howitzers, rocket launchers and munitions, but they aren’t arriving fast enough.
Now is the moment for Joe Biden to tell his national security team what Richard Nixon told his when Israel was reeling from its losses in the Yom Kippur War: After asking what weapons Jerusalem was asking for, the 37th president ordered his staff to “double it,” adding, “Now get the hell out of here and get the job done.”
The urgency of winning soon — or at least of putting Russian forces into retreat across a broad front, so that it’s Moscow, not Kyiv, that sues for peace — is compounded by the fact that time isn’t necessarily on the West’s side.
Sanctions on Russia may do long-term damage to its capacity to grow. But sanctions can do only so much in the short term to dent Russia’s capacity to destroy. Those same sanctions also exact a toll on the rest of the world, and the toll the world is prepared to pay for solidarity with Ukraine isn’t unlimited. Critical shortages of food, energy and fertilizer, along with the supply disruptions and price increases that inevitably follow, can’t be sustained forever in democratic societies with limited tolerance for pain.
Meanwhile, Putin appears to be paying no great price, whether in energy revenues (which are up, thanks to price increases) or in public support (also up, thanks to some combination of nationalism, propaganda and fear), for his war. Hoping he might die soon of whatever disease might be ailing him — Is it Parkinson’s? A “blood cancer”? Or just a Napoleon complex? — isn’t a strategy.
What more can the Biden administration do? It needs to take two calculated risks, based on one conceptual breakthrough.
The calculated risks: First, as retired Adm. James Stavridis has proposed, the U.S. should be prepared to challenge the Russian maritime blockade of Odesa by escorting cargo ships to and from the port.
That will first mean getting Turkey to allow NATO warships to transit the Turkish straits to the Black Sea, which could entail some uncomfortable diplomatic concessions to Ankara. More dangerously, it could result in close encounters between NATO and Russian warships. But Russia has no legal right to blockade Ukraine’s last major port, no moral right to keep Ukrainian farm products from reaching global markets, and not enough maritime might to take on the U.S. Navy.
Second, the U.S. should seize the estimated $300 billion in Russian central bank assets held abroad to fund Ukraine’s military and reconstruction needs.
I first proposed this in early April, and Harvard’s Laurence Tribe and Jeremy Lewin laid out a convincing legal case several days later in a Times guest essay. The administration has cold feet on grounds that it could violate U.S. law and set a bad financial precedent — which would be good arguments in less dire circumstances. Right now, what’s urgently needed is the kind of financial wallop to Russia that other sanctions have failed to inflict.
Which brings us to the conceptual breakthrough: The fight in Ukraine will have a greater effect in Asia than it will in Europe. The administration may reassure itself that it has sufficiently bloodied the Russian military that it won’t soon be invading anyone else. That’s true as far as it goes.
But if the war ends with Putin comfortably in power and Russia in possession of a fifth of Ukraine, then Beijing will draw the lesson that aggression works. And we will have a fight over Taiwan — with its overwhelming human and economic toll — much sooner than we think.
The bottom line: The war in Ukraine is either a prelude or a finale. President Biden needs to do even more than he already has to ensure it’s the latter.
June 15, 2022
June 5, 2022
Biden’s Afghan Disaster
US President Joe Biden told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the US will not aid any Israeli counterattack on Iran , US media report,...
It’s funny that Biden can flout SCOTUS and find 100’s of billions to BRIBE voters but can’t find a few billion to help Ukraine. Pusillanimou...
The Founders had three criteria for new immigrants: their qualifications; their assimilation; and their allegiance. Today, I have no clue w...
Biden Border BS The large majority of illegal immigrants are unjustifiably claiming asylum. The Biden administration ignores current law a...