June 21, 2022

Way to go Joe

This will not help inflation or US competitiveness

Biden Administration pro­posing to im­pose manda­tory dis­clo­sure re­quire­ments con­cern­ing cli­mate risks and green­house-gas emis­sions, say­ing it poses height­ened le­gal li­a­bil­ity, hefty costs and re­port­ing bur­dens  this part of Biden‘s green agenda that greatly increases costs today more than the benefits that will happen much later.

Biden Administration en­dorses a House bill that would add racial eq­uity to the Fed’s dual man­date of price sta­bil­ity and full em­ploy­ment. Forcing equal outcomes instead of equal opportunity based on a false narrative of systemic racism being the primary cause of disparities will hurt not help.



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