August 4, 2022

Biden pays off unions

Biden’s union payoff 

The inflation reduction act doesn’t reduce inflation, it actually raises taxes on everyone. And now we learn it’s also a payoff to unions. Why Biden wants to distort market forces and use our precious tax dollars so inefficiently is obvious: he’s paying off unions. 


The new base tax credit for so­lar and wind pro­duc­tion would be $5.2 per (MWh). 

In­vestors in projects that use union labor would be able to claim $26 MWh 

Investors using 100% steel made in the U.S get $28.6 

C Sequestration 

The base tax credit for car­bon se­ques­tra­tion is $17 per ton 

For projects using union la­bor it is $85 per ton.

Nuclear Power

The base tax credit for nuclear power is $3 per MWh. 

It is $15 per MWh if union labor.

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